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  #11 (permalink)  
Old June 2nd, 2001
gnutella modem user
Posts: n/a

I'm tried of people like you that bitch about gnutella (the network , its not a program as you were referring it too). Gnutella has grown to 40,000+ in the past 6 months . The reason you cant download everything you want is b/c only 30-40% people who are connected to gnutella are accepting incoming connections and sharing files. That means that other 70% are downloading from that 30-40%. Why your download speed is so damn slow. The traffic from other connected hosts (searchs, etc) take up 50% of your bandwidth. Which is annoying but NO ONE can help that at the moment. Gnutella client developers are working on that as we speak. Then people with dsl/cable or higher connections like to set the download speeds to 0.0KB/s or just dont know how to manager their bandwidth with host connections, TTL, download, and upload counts. I'm on a modem connected @ 26,400kbps that is slow as hell. But I still manage to share and download files. The best client is LimeWire. I'm currently using LimeWire 1.4b and I share around ~120 files. I get ~50% download success. My setup is this.....I have MY TTL set to 10 and my MAX TTL 10. I have my HOST CONNECTIONS set to 2. Upload speed set to 3.5KB/s. Max Uploads 1 and Upload Per Person 1. Downloads 2. I've noticed when I get a excellent (1,000+) amount of search results when I'm connected to ~50+ TBs (both/or) 1500+ hosts. Just start LimeWire and come back in ~5 minutes to establish good connections. With the search results, LimeWire has this great feature called GROUPING. When more then one host has the same file (ex: the band - song.mp3). It'll show multiple search results according to that filename. Which means....if you download from that GROUPING (ex: multiple 10), you'll have a greater download succession rate. If you look @ You'll see the peak times for searching are between 8am to midnight during the weekdays and 8am Friday till Sunday midnight weekends. As if you havnt realize you can download LimeWire @
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old June 2nd, 2001
Posts: n/a

Been there, Done that. Done All of that! I have DSL, which is hardly slow-& I have other P2P's that aren't a problem. I just like to try new & different things, unfortunately this "network" just isn't cutting it. Not at all.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old June 2nd, 2001
Posts: n/a

Sorry, I just have an addendum to my last comment & that is to say everyone is telling everyone to not share their files...or limit to limit your sharing files. Please correct me if I'm wrong But isn't the whole purpose of this "network" is to SHARE??

Too contradictory, from where I'm standing because that's ridiculous-how can you Find files if Nobody is sharing them!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old June 2nd, 2001
Posts: n/a

You have a connection problem, your ISP is blocking you because we all get files at 56k so your kick *** ISP sucks, not gnutella. Figure out how they are blocking you and then get around it.
TTL at 10 gets you no where because most clients will just drop your packet if the TTL is over 7.
40,000 clients are on line at any one time, 2 million users are estimated by zeropaid.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old June 3rd, 2001
Gnutella Admirer
Join Date: May 24th, 2001
Location: Europe
Posts: 52
Gnutelled Guy is flying high
Exclamation sucks / doesn't suck -> be constructive

well, this might be wasting my time, but i will give it a try ...

instead of blaming (rant), try to be constructive. i guess all the people writing here are using the gnutella network. and i guess it works for most of them. it hasn't necessarily worked for all of them right from the start, but they got it to work. this is a community that will help you on - but stop blaming and tell us more about your configuration (system, program, isp) and we will try to help you on. or, if you really know a better alternative, tell us about. we will give it a try and switch, if it really is better.

so, talk instead of shouting and we will all benefit from it
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old June 3rd, 2001
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Unregistered
You have a connection problem, your ISP is blocking you because we all get files at 56k so your kick *** ISP sucks, not gnutella. Figure out how they are blocking you and then get around it.
TTL at 10 gets you no where because most clients will just drop your packet if the TTL is over 7.
40,000 clients are on line at any one time, 2 million users are estimated by zeropaid.
2 million suckers may have downloaded this crap but I doubt there are 2 million actually leaving it on their systems.

It's NOT my system that has a problem-read man, READ!!
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old June 3rd, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default Re: sucks / doesn't suck -> be constructive

Originally posted by Gnutelled Guy
well, this might be wasting my time, but i will give it a try ...

instead of blaming (rant), try to be constructive. i guess all the people writing here are using the gnutella network. and i guess it works for most of them. it hasn't necessarily worked for all of them right from the start, but they got it to work. this is a community that will help you on - but stop blaming and tell us more about your configuration (system, program, isp) and we will try to help you on. or, if you really know a better alternative, tell us about. we will give it a try and switch, if it really is better.

so, talk instead of shouting and we will all benefit from it
if this "program" makes a whole lot of individuals computers lock-up, I fail to see how that's "shouting", & there appears to be more problems than this imaginary "smooth sailing" that y'all are trying to sell.

Give me a break!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old June 3rd, 2001
Posts: n/a

stop whining. it makes you sound gay (not intelligent).
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old June 4th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Question Well I don't know how your system is configured.

Since a week ago I've got an 176 Kbit/s connection on my old Pentium 166MMX 32MB and I've downloaded about 1GByte of programs, images, music and videos. The only problems were that gnucleus has the fix idea of crashing when the seti@thome starts or that limewire collides whit MSIE, after trying it works. Of course the speed is remarcable lower than in an FTP connection or tha things. Considering that there are GNU or free programs I am amazed that they works better than other pay net related software, such as most of the telnet and FTP clients or servers. Are you a lawyer?
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old June 7th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default hmmmmm

If your having a bad experience on gnutella, i recommend using BearShare...

BearShare gives you the ability to sort the search results by QoS, this means you won't get a busy signal...


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