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  #21 (permalink)  
Old June 8th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default Re: hmmmmm

Originally posted by Kutulus
BearShare gives you the ability to sort the search results by QoS, this means you won't get a busy signal...
Kutulus, are you getting paid to brownose ?

Qos means nothing anymore. It just doesn't work. You think it does because of those pretty little colors, but its false and misleading information. The open source clients have gone beyond bearshare now, bearshare is old news and operates more like the original gnutella, trash it and the spyware it rode in on.

You should chose as many servers as you can and start downloading then use resume to get the rest from others. Qos doesn't work across all clients so therefore it doesn't work at all. Some people want to fragment gnutella by using proprietary protocol information to try to get a better market hold, greed is bad for gnutella so I walk away from support for any $$$ involved developers.

Go get Gnucleus, its free, way beyond bearshare or limewire, its remote control encrypted packet free, and the source code is available so that it can be improved easily and quickly. Greed is not involved at all.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old June 10th, 2001
Posts: n/a

The Gnutella network is the best since Internet invention!

Heaps of potential, lots of success already.

Yes, pains here and there, people, computers, ISPs and software are all a rocky road to perfection.

I yet have to find one client with which I am happy with.
But they are all worth a try and each one has features that others don't have and visa versa.

Best clients right now (my opinion):

Ordered by name only (not priority):

- Bearshare (use V2.23!)
(phones home encrypted, very stable,
Search window very basic. Do NOT INSTALL ONFLOW or SAVENOW! - or remove it if mistakenly installed).

- Gnucleus V1.32
Very promising. Crashes sometimes (if search results are
very large)
Good download resume.

- Gnotella V0.99.
Phones home on connect.
Very good information display of hosts and connections.
Resumes ok.

- LimeWire V1.4
Very stable. Java based, so a bit slow.

- PHEX (use V0.46!)
Stable. Java based. Amazing features.
Bit slow on connect.
Searches automatically for more hosts to get your file,
should the one you are just downloading go 'off air'.
V0.50 out now does not work good for me.

These are the 'big guys' clients. There are others, still growing up, but worth trying out, to give their developers feedback and a sense of reward for their hard work in spending time to develop it.
See, none of you/us will pay them anything for giving us those Gnutella net clients, or?

Since Napster has gone commercial (forced onto them one could say), the Gnutella protocall has exploded and is a great source of getting and sharing programs, text files, music, pictures or whatever.
Even just to stay in touch.
And you can make your own Gnutella Net, connecting only to your friends, use it for work or whatever.

Heaps of potential. Only some egomaniac public servants and commercial greeds would try to put it down.

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old June 11th, 2001
Gnutella Admirer
Join Date: May 24th, 2001
Location: Europe
Posts: 52
Gnutelled Guy is flying high

Originally posted by Unregistered
Yes, pains here and there, people, computers, ISPs and software are all a rocky road to perfection.

I yet have to find one client with which I am happy with.
But they are all worth a try and each one has features that others don't have and visa versa.
well said man, well said the client i am "happy with" doesn't currently exist, but there will come one incorporating all these different features. i am exicted while waiting for it ...
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old June 23rd, 2001
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down gnutelladoesssuck

I agree that all I want is to download some music, and this program sucks! How do you download anything???
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old June 23rd, 2001
Posts: n/a

All your questions about BearShare are answered here.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old June 24th, 2001
Join Date: June 8th, 2001
Posts: 39
Aeroe is flying high

hate to say it but i agree somewhat
gnutella needs some serious revising if it will surpass things like winmx and musiccity/kazaa.

i can only get maybe 1/10 downloads to complete where as on the others i mentioned around 9/10 times. that's not including the ones that say they are available and never start.

gnutella is my last resort for any form of media too
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old July 14th, 2001
Posts: n/a

The above user is 100% correct. I have cable and have no problems downloading and sharing stuff. Your ISP sucks, not gnutella. I have often noticed DSL users getting poor transfer rates when they try to d/l from me. Most of the time, they simply time-out. There may be some sort of an intentional connection problem between cable providers and DSL providers - sort of 'protecting their turf'. You should consider a new ISP if file sharing is important to you.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old July 14th, 2001
Gnutella Veteran
Join Date: May 30th, 2001
Posts: 137
Kirby is flying high
Default Reply on Aeroe

Originally posted by Aeroe
hate to say it but i agree somewhat
gnutella needs some serious revising if it will surpass things like winmx and musiccity/kazaa.

i can only get maybe 1/10 downloads to complete where as on the others i mentioned around 9/10 times. that's not including the ones that say they are available and never start.

gnutella is my last resort for any form of media too
What the hell client are you using? Either you're using like, "Phex v0.", LimeWire 0.0 alpha, the brand newest version of CrashMaster 2000, or the newest version of the hit Finnish client "ajkgl;qb ajksl;n;bgjdfljaglkgj bakl; akjdfklnjkly", Finnish for "That is a fish." I can better results on LimeWire 1.6 in my dial-up, so who knows what you could get.

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  #29 (permalink)  
Old July 15th, 2001
Join Date: March 9th, 2001
Location: Freiburg / D
Posts: 81
chr_rossi is flying high
Default Incoming&outgoing


[The reason you cant download everything you want is b/c only 30-40% people who are connected to gnutella are accepting incoming connections]

Not true, as far as I know; incoming/outgoing refers only to the 'establisher' of the direct query connection between two hosts. Once established, the data will flow both ways.]

[... and sharing files.]

That's true, I fear, but it is another thing ;).

[DSL .. dont know how to manager their bandwidth with host connections, TTL, download, and upload counts.]
Not all DSL users :-). But keep in mind that some DSLs are asymmetric and are thus limited in query throughput.

[I have MY TTL set to 10 and my MAX TTL 10.]
Is not this a little bit high? As far as I know most servents will drop packets over 7, but I am not sure with this.

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  #30 (permalink)  
Old July 16th, 2001
Gnutella Veteran
Join Date: May 30th, 2001
Posts: 137
Kirby is flying high
Post There are other problems

The thing about chr_rossi saying they're bidirectional is true, but someone's outgoing connection is another person's incoming one, so can you see the problem here. Also, if someone isn't acccepting incoming connections, then a lot of pings aren't going to get to them, which is another problem.

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