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Lord of the Rings August 20th, 2005 01:12 AM

hahaha caught him by surprise i guess! lol :D

Any chance of laying off this forum?

Do you use p2p yourself?

banmicrosofttoo August 20th, 2005 01:18 AM

i use IRC. i get 300-500kb/sec downloads.
no corrupted files. no bullshit. no nothing.

yeah, i think i'll let this site cool off. our goal was to have all the forums to the guest locked down.

atleast we havent posted any pictures lately.. we know how much you love them.
:D we even got new ones today... about 100mb worth.

this will fix your site:

1. upgrade vbulletin to newest ver.
it has a lot of security fixes.

2. start authorizing e-mail addresses.
a baby troll can't signup via yahoo for
an email address to troll on. yahoo mail does proxy checks.

3. disable [img] from all forums. that leads to abuse, i know you remember it :p

4. if trolling gets too bad, switch vbulletin into the mode where moderators have to approve the post.

5. disable guest postings.

6. make it 1-2 mins per post to prevent
abuse. note: edits dont count. ask overgrow.

Lord of the Rings August 20th, 2005 01:24 AM

Good advice! And it will be put (stressed) to the mods & admins of the forum. We've been wanting updating of the vBulletin for some time with requests just recently. As for guests it's something we've been strongly considering since an attack in recent mths. I think we have enough support now to carry most of these things thru. Cheers! And sleep well!

banmicrosofttoo August 20th, 2005 01:36 AM

cease-fire enabled.

we posted our cease fire here:

have a good night. i'll take a bong rip for your efforts. you were a better moderator than those overgrow chaps. we could troll from 2am until 7am EST because everyone was asleep.

thats another thing.. have moderators spread across various time zones. trolls learn when the mods are asleep and when they're around, by posting unsuspicious threads, then a few posts down, say something to flame-bait. then wait how long until that thread gets binned.

newer vbulletin has better security and a lot of features that would help a large site like yourself help with moderation.
cheers. nothing personal.

--Imam Abu Musab Hussein al******

banmicrosofttoo August 20th, 2005 01:41 AM

also disabling new user registration during troll attacks will help. a tactic of ours is sleeper trolling. we'll register 10-20 accounts, post a few posts with each, and let them idle.

we'll register 5 to start a good troll. after those are banned, we fire up the 10-20 sleepers.

--Imam Abu Musab Hussein al******

banmicrosofttoo August 20th, 2005 02:34 AM

Currently Active Users: 65
There are currently 5 members and 60 guests on the boards. | Most users ever online was 329 on 11-13-2001 at 04:52 AM.
banmicrosofttoo, timbo517, ultracross

that tells me that theres 2 moderators online. 3 users and 60 guests do not equal 65 :)

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