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  #1 (permalink)  
Old April 6th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Post How to thwart Kiddie Porn on Gnutella


It is available at.... -- v2.0 -- A kiddie porn dilution agent for Gnutella.

This is a script to thwart kiddie porn trading on Gnutella. It copies existing (non-kiddie-porn) jpegs to your Gnutella shared directory and renames them to look like kiddie porn. The names come out different every time; and change pesudo-randomly every few minutes. If just one hundred people did this, it would dilute the real kiddie porn to the point where Gnutella became a poor tool for the kiddie porn collectors.

Here's what you can configure. All arguments are on the final line of this script.

fakeroo("a:/", "e:/", 9);

The 1st arg is the FROM directory. (Anyplace you have some jpegs.) The 2nd arg is the TO directory. (Any Gnutella shared directory.) The 3nd arg is the maximum jpeg files to present.

So the final Perl command...

fakeroo("c:/program files/plus!/themes/", "e:/", 9);

...copies 9 jpegs from c:\windows\plus!\themes\*.jpg to e:\*.jpg, then goes into a loop of renaming these files. First, all the files get remaned on a five-second period. Thereafter, one file gets renamed every four minutes.

The first example assumes you are using a RAMDISK for your share directory (so as to avoid these abismially named files from being written to your hard drive).

NOTE: Use fore-slashes, not back-slashes. Perl is a port from Unixland. Back slashes are an escape trigger in Perl.

If you don't mind keeping the files on your C-drive, and also don't mind the drive being written to every four minutes for as long as you run this script, then you can make the FROM and the TO directories the same. The script will recognize this and not copy any files, but just rename them in place. Use a command like this...

fakeroo("c:/foo/bar/", "c:/foo/bar/", 21);


There are five arrays of string elements, named @any_0 thru @any_4. One or more of the string elements from these arrays are concatenated to form a kiddie-porn-like file name. Not always does every name have a part from each array. But whatever arrays are used, they are always taken in order. That way it makes for a fairly grammatical sentence; better even than some of the actual kiddie porn files which may circulate.

The arrays are space delimited. So multielement strings are tied together with an underscore. After concatenation, all underscores are substituted by a space. To prevent the real kiddie porn traders from always using underscores to differentiate from my fakes, some of the time, it substutes all spaces for underscores.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old April 6th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down

You obviously have waaaaaay to much time on your hands. I can't decide who is more demented: kiddie porn searchers or you.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old April 6th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down

You obviously have waaaaaay to much time on your hands. I can't decide who is more demented: kiddie porn searchers or you.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 3rd, 2001
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up

great idea.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 7th, 2001
Posts: n/a

You know what? If somebody then searches Gnutella for jpegs or porn keywords (normal, legal porn) he will get tons of filenames that look like kiddie porn and he will eventually report ip adresses to the police.

Good luck with your "strategy", but it will only make people look at YOU (or your IP) like you are a bad guy and it will allow the real pedo-buggers to hide behind lots of fake filenames.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2001
Join Date: March 31st, 2001
Posts: 34
ryan15575 is flying high
Default Won't work at all

JPEGs take a couple seconds to download. If you have tons of them on your PC, it won't prevent people from also getting the legit ones. Also, if you do this, you will use up tons of your own bandwidth. If you use small files (1k) people will spot the fake JPGs immediately. You're stuck either way.
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