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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 18th, 2007
Join Date: February 18th, 2007
Posts: 2
lkanemail is flying high
Default Extremely Angry

I have just purchased Limewire. Now, not only was the download unsuccesful; I no longer have internet access; and cannot access itunes, windows media player, and the Limewire site does not recognise the username I paid for!!!!!!

The access to support is dismil...and I dont expect to be paying for a service that not only I have no access to, but has in someway damaged my PC settings. If I dont receive a reply from someone in Limewire.......I'm going to explode!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 18th, 2007
Join Date: August 9th, 2006
Posts: 11
PureSin is flying high

This is not meant to sound inflammatory in any way, yet I must ask - if you have no internet access, how are you able to log the query in forums here?

Sometimes connections with LimeWire do not always connect quickly at first.
Sometimes, even though my connection is adsl, and quite good (most of the time), it can take a few minutes for my version of LimeWire Pro to register a decent connection, yet usually ends up registering as turbo charged.

If you continue to have problems, please contact LimeWire Support.

Here is the support link for you;

Here is also the FAQ link that may be of help to you;

cheers & goodluck
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 18th, 2007
Join Date: February 18th, 2007
Posts: 2
lkanemail is flying high

I have wireless access allowing me to use this forum. Whatever the explanation the support offered by Limewire is pathetic.

Thanks anyway!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 18th, 2007
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It's Sunday. I think most of the LimeWire LLC staff work a normal 5-day week,
so maybe you'll get an answer on Monday.

In the meantime these forums are your best bet. From the sound of it, you
might have Windows Vista. There have been a couple of problems with that
thing, and there are some conversations going on in the new General Vista
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 19th, 2007
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Just Curious as to where you got LimeWire from. Did you get it from the official site.
__________________ - Hot Games, Cool Apps

A little common sense goes a long way

Later Grandpa
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2007
Join Date: February 26th, 2007
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admiralkaos is flying high
Thumbs down limewire after 6 months

I must say I am ALSO extremely angry! Just because it is past the 6 months that I PAID for this, there is apparently no link (or it is very hard to find), to help if you have forgotten which email address I used to purchase this garbage. I would not have to search for this if the thing worked as it should. There are 300 users with a certain file, but it still comes up as "need more sources"! My wife has limewire basic, I have Pro, and she gets better results with EVERYTHING than I do. I must say Limewire: Shame Shame Shame. Pathetic!!! I have sent email after email from my NEW email address explaining this situation, but to date have had NO reply. See your $18.88 equates to about $29.00 Australian. WHAT A WASTE OF MONEY!!!
I would complian about the service, but THERE IS NONE!!! Having contacts with the media including national broadcasting television stations here, I am sure they will be interested to know about this site and how it operates. I would REALLY appreciate some sort of response here, if not from technical support, then from your media liason officer to discuss terms of settlement before this goes public. This is NOT a threat, this is a PROMISE! I am outraged that I pay for a product that only works until there is "an available upgrade" then be told to pay again because it has been longer than 6 months since I purchased said product. My email (the NEW one) is in the information supplied in this post. I hope it is taken seriously, because I am very serious when I have been misslead! $29.00 is a lot to some people!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2007
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Only the personal support stops after 6 months, not the software. Your old
email address would be no help because your contract has expired.

Any help given out here for LimeWire (for zero cost, mind you) will also apply
to LimeWire Pro because they are one and the same program. If you have a
problem with searching then look around here and you will inevitably find
both the problem and it's solutions have already been discussed many times.

In short, you are standing right in the middle of the official LimeWire support
forums, having never asked us for help, and screaming at the top of your lungs
that we won't help you.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2007
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My wife has limewire basic, I have Pro, and she gets better results with EVERYTHING than I do.
We'd rather discuss your 'problem' with your wife...she seems to know what she's doing. (Maybe you should break down and ask her for help...)
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2007
Join Date: February 26th, 2007
Posts: 3
admiralkaos is flying high

OK, apologies for my little temper tantrum, I've just had a run of products/services lately and unfortunately I let rip in here. I was out of line, but I would really appreciate some help with this. I have searched the forums, there are many topics on downloads, but none addressing my issue. Maybe I am looking in the wrong places, I dunno. I'm not claiming to be an expert Limewire user, maybe it is just something I am doing wrong I dont know. So instead of throwing blame at limewire I will just ask for some assistance if anyone knows what problem I am talking about.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2007
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AaronWalkhouse is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Click on my name and send a personal message with the names and magnets of
one or two of those undownloadable files. I can probably tell you why they
won't work.

To get a magnet run your search as usual and start downloading. When you
see one act the same way as you described right click on it's line in the
search, go to Advanced and "Copy Magnet Links to Clipboard".
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