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  #1 (permalink)  
Old November 27th, 2007
Posts: n/a
Default User Name

Is there any way to have my username changed for these forums? It's the only thing that the User CP does not allow the user to edit.

Also, what about having an account deleted? I'm currently registered to the site with two (2) usernames and, obviously, only need one (1).

Thank you for any assistance in this matter.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old November 27th, 2007
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Don't worry about it. We have plenty of room. Just use your new username and keep going. ;]
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old March 11th, 2009
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jimmy1 is flying high
Default Gmail sign in

How to sign in Gmail??? jimmy1 My sign in works for forum.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old March 12th, 2009
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These Forums & Gmail for LimeWire are two totally different things. I personally haven't tried using the Friends option for LW yet so cannot advise there. Someone else might be able to advise.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old March 12th, 2009
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wakedaddy820 is flying high

Hi there again. I know it's been, what, a year-and-a-half since this thread was started, but I wanted to re-open the topic, if I may, especially since a third party has made a post. . . .

First of all, I'd like to explain that this poster (me) is the same poster as the originator of this thread. These two usernames are two of the three I have registered on Gnutella forums. Whereas I undstand that the servers may
Originally Posted by AaronWalkhouse View Post
have plenty of room
I have a limited number of e-mail addresses. . . . I do not believe in creating "extra" e-mail addresses just to set them as defaults for the usernames I do not intend to use and I would rather not have current e-mail associated with them either because I intend to delete those as well. So I ask again, is there any way I can have my two profiles (usernames: "wakedaddy" and "wakedaddy335") removed from the system?

Thank you for any and all assistance in this matter.

Originally Posted by jimmy1 View Post
How to sign in Gmail??? jimmy1 My sign in works for forum.
I would like to express that I see no correlation between my issue and the post "jimmy1" has made. . . . Not to mention I don't even understand the question.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old March 12th, 2009
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Jimmy1's post is totally off-topic. That happens frequently people posting anywhere they choose, sometimes just in hope of getting attention, sometimes because they do not know anything about forums.

Send a Personal Message to Birdy, she will clear your situation up. I am surprised I missed your original post all that time back. But Birdy has been appointed as an admin here recently & needs practice at doing this.

BTW usernames can be changed ... And accounts removed, but only by forum Admins. We are not keen on removing accounts if they have posts to their name on the forums. We make exceptions but rarely.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; March 12th, 2009 at 03:00 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old March 12th, 2009
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wakedaddy820 is flying high

Thank you for the prompt reply! My only question would be how to contact "Birdy." . . . . I searched through the "Members List" and a found a "birdy" listed as an "Airhead," would this be the person? Also, about "removing accounts [that] have posts to their name on the forums," "wakedaddy335" only has two: this thread being one of them. . . .

On that point, I did a little research and found a reply you posted here:

You mentioned that posts are deleted with the account but it appears that the account associated with that thread was deleted whereas the posts remain active. . . . Am I missing something?

Also, one thing I don't understand about this site is the "user titles." This was mentioned in another post associated with the username deletion topic, found here:

Whereas I don't appreciate the negativity and rudeness in the post , the user (or rather former user) "hittz26" mentioned that the word "Administrator" should be included and associated with the usernames of those considered to be administrators and I agree with that point. I see that my user title is "Junior Member" and I noticed that the same user title is very populous in the Members List for the forum.

[side note: All right, I just did a search and found a post in "The Lounge" from you about 23 hours ago and plan on posting to that after I finish this one. For clarification, that thread is here:]

One final thing I'd like to mention is that I see posts made on threads that have no relevance to the original topic and then, ironically, replies have been made by you, "Lord of the Rings," to answer the off-topic question and now that I understand you are one of two administrators on the forums, I am confused as to why you don't move the posts to the correct forums. According to rule #7 for the forums, such posts should be reported to the moderator who "will do what is required." Are administrators and moderators different? This is simply furthering my confusion. . . .

Thank you for your assistance and understanding in my concerns.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old March 12th, 2009
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Threads are easy to move. The persons who post to it retain their subscription to it so it can be found easily. When later posts are removed from threads, the user loses their subscription & would have problems locating it. For that reason, I felt it was better to solve the issue before the posts are removed from the thread & placed elsewhere.

It is by default that users cannot delete their own accounts on this forum software. It is not possible for them to do so.

We prefer members not deleting posts because this forum is like a library for others to seek information. If a member has posted very helpful information to another member & that person deletes their own threads & posts, then it is a waste.

I edited in a link earlier which showed the admins, & I suggested PMing Birdy. All you'd need to do is specify what you wished after clicking on her name & choosing send Personal Message from her profile. Besides, I did earlier send her a PM re: this issue.

And yes, we are presently discussing between the mods & admins about changing the default Titles. Something more interesting for users. But in any case, any member can change their title themselves & create a custom title. Just like I did. To do that you go to User Control Panel, Edit Profile link from left side of page. At present, 0-29 posts = Junior Member, 30 is Member, 100 is Senior Member. This is the default for all vBulletin forums. We'd be happy for your suggestions for titles in that thread. We want member input since this will be for them, not us.

Likewise you can add avatars from the forum to your user profile. Even add a custom one (eg: my penguins).

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; March 12th, 2009 at 04:15 PM. Reason: oops fixed up my figures
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old March 12th, 2009
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Default Responding to your topics by method of each paragraph. . . .

It's nice to know you're being considerate about the subscription situation; I was unaware that they would be cancelled. I thought there might be some way to move the thread and have the user(s) retain their subscription(s). However, my comment was about an irrelevant post that was made in a thread where the thread was posted in the correct forum. . . . Just out of curiosity, is there a way to move that post into the correct forum as a new thread?

I understand how and why users are not able to delete their personal account(s). The main reason this thread is still open is because the original responder ("AaronWalkhouse") made that sarcastic remark (at least it seems like sarcasm) about the amount of space these forums have and I was to upset to want to respond. Now that I have a discussion with someone who is willing to help (ahem: I'm referring to you, Lord hehehe), I'm becoming more familiar with how these forums operate. Specifically, the bit about threads being removed with the account. However, referencing this thread, it seems as though the account for user "smallville_is_hot" has been deleted while the thread, of which was originated by said user, remains in the forums. Am I misinterpreting what I see in the thread? If I'm not, this tells me that my "wakedaddy335" account can be deleted while leaving this current thread available for future reference. Am I correct with this assumption?

Thank you for that link for the forum leaders and such; I was unsure where to find information about moderators and the like. Now I know.

I have posted a couple suggestion posts on that titles forum (you've actually responded to one) and I realize now that my title upgrade intervals are a bit bogus. lol Should I edit that post with an update in interval suggestions, post new suggestions in a new post, or wait for further responses?

And finally, thank you for the avatar suggestion. I knew about that option but I am unsure of what I would like to use.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old March 12th, 2009
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Lots of avatars to choose from.

You can edit your title post as you please. Or re-post new suggestions.

Yes posts can be removed from threads & made into a new thread. However the member who posted it would not be subscribed to it. Most would not know how to find such a post of theirs in that case. That's why I tend to do it later than sooner, with exceptions.

As for deletion of accounts & loss of posts. In the previous version of vBulletin deleting accounts would delete their posts also. It appears not to be exactly the same now but also depends how the account is deleted. I do get such warnings using a second method from memory. However it's so rare I delete accounts ... and reluctantly so in most cases unless it's a duplicate spammer account that is yet to post which is a different story. Enough about admin tech issues. lol
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