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Support: General General support discussions and announcements. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2002
Happy Sharer
Posts: n/a
Default Index Building, 100%CPU, Access Violations

I recently bought a new 60 gig hard drive and placed all the files for sharing from the various machines here onto the new drive. It's almost full (57.5 g). I am downloading prolifically to a separate drive. I haven't specified this for sharing but it seems to do it anyway. (D:\Program Files\Xolox\xoloxdloads from the download tab on preferences). Here are the problems:-

1) Everytime a new file is finished downloading the entire index rebuilds itself. This is typically taking 2-3 minutes, and CPU usage goes up to 100% during the build. It completely messes up anything else I am doing on the computer, most especially NERO, and even my 'burn-proof' cdr is making duff product. I am downloading files at approximately the same rate (i.e. a file every 2-3 minutes).

I am reluctant to stop sharing my wonderful files with everyone and I typically have 3-4 users leached on to me at any time. Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can continue sharing and downloading, and yet avoid the index build process across the new (and unchanged) drive please?

2) Since I put this new drive online I seem to be getting XOLOX Access Violation messages quite frequently which appear to hang xolox up and I have to restart it. Are these messages a result of something going wrong on my computer or am I being hacked by some nasty person? Does anyone know what these messages mean please? I don't have a firewall on this computer (and I don't want one either).

Your help gratefully received!!

I have an AMD900 with windows XP, DSL connection, sharing around 9000 files in approx 60 gigs across 2 drives.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2002
Posts: n/a

share less files at a time, and rotate them every couple days or so. ???
  #3 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2002
Join Date: October 1st, 2001
Posts: 264
Iamnacho is flying high

if you really want to share all your files... dont forget there are other clients than xolox and i suggest that you try some of them if you have not already... i get the same index building going on when i use xolox... and i share about 25 gig worth of files...

so my suggestion would be to find a better suited program for your large database of files. i like this solution better that not sharing good luck
  #4 (permalink)  
Old April 8th, 2002
Join Date: December 31st, 2001
Location: Sandy, ut
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gbrayut is flying high
Default Try this.... two clients at a time

Try doing this, xolox is terrible at sharing files, so try running two clients at a time. Gnucleus is pretty good at sharing files, and you can set it up to run on a different port.

you can still use xolox for downloads, but share most of your files on gnucleus. Also you can specify how many upload spots are avalible, and how much bandwith to use. You dont have to connect to many hosts in gnucleus, because you wont be searching with it.

So try this, install gnucleus, set it to listen on another port (say 6347), set the upload slots and bandwith limits how you want, and then just minimize it to the systray. That way you can download files without the guilt of not sharing at all.

I have done this for a while now, and it works pretty good. It does seem to work better if you connect to gnucleous before you open xolox. dont ask me why.

  #5 (permalink)  
Old April 17th, 2002
Happy Sharer
Posts: n/a
Default Index Building, 100%CPU, Access Violations

Thanks - but you missed the point I think. I don't feel 'guilt' about not sharing - I WANT TO SHARE - this is the whole point of the excercise after all.

Re: other clients - I have them all. I get thoroughly disappointed at the efficiency of them and tend to turn them off - especially when I see users leech on with absolutely nothing to share in return.

Short term I will run two copies of the program, one for downloading and one sharing. Wasn't the way I wanted to do it but it's better than any of the suggestions which have been mentioned so far.

I would still like to know about the access violations mentioned in my original post - if anyone has any technical knowledge of the program please - I would very much like to know the answer.

  #6 (permalink)  
Old April 17th, 2002
markyrwol's Avatar
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I don’t think anyone has figured out what the Access Violation is.

To help the “index rebuilding/CPU usage” issue, defrag at least once or twice a week, get a “RAM defrag/Memory recovery” program (like MemTurbo, RamDell, Rampage, or whatever), and uncheck all the boxes in Tools/Preferences/Downloads (they are redundant and unnecessary).

If you want Xolox to share more, then list subfolders separately, if possible.

Yes, Xolox shares your completed downloads directory and subdirectories automatically. So it probably would NOT be a good idea to send completed downloads to your Desktop, or any thing like that.
With Desperation comes Inspiration.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old April 17th, 2002
Happy Sharer
Posts: n/a

Thanks Marky for that. Will give it a shot. However, XOLOX and the rest of my system runs perfectly, no hang ups, no nasties or glitches at all EXCEPT when a download arrives and the index is rebuilt. When I'm downloading it's fine, when people are uploading it's fine - I'm getting cpu spikes up to 70-80% but they disappear as soon as they show, I've got no problem with xolox at all or the system except at re-build time.

I didn't know about the sub-directory thing. I have a lot of them too (e.g. artist, album name, album name etc) are you saying that the sub-directories aren't accessed? Cos if that's the case I have a lot of re-organising to do.

  #8 (permalink)  
Old April 17th, 2002
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Default Also...

Someone once suggested that the “Access Violation” might have something to do with; having the completed downloads folder, and the partial downloads (TEMP) folder on different drives, or that multiple drives tended to give Xolox a nervous breakdown, or something like that.
With Desperation comes Inspiration.

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