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Support: General General support discussions and announcements. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old June 6th, 2002
Join Date: September 19th, 2001
Posts: 45
X_Man is flying high

first up, the network bandwidth sitting only effects the outgoung bandwidth of file transfers, not incoming, i don't care what it sez in the FAQ. i've set mine to 1 and had screamming downloads.

second, if you aren't uploading and downloading files, your bandwidth is used to run the network, ALL YOUR BANDWIDTH, I've set it to 1 and it still eats 100% of my bandwidth.

If you don't wan't to use your bandwidth for network traffic, upload or download something, you will move to the edge of the network and xolox won't use up so much bandwidth, for network traffic, if you have files transfers going.

-your mileage may vary
  #12 (permalink)  
Old June 6th, 2002
Join Date: June 3rd, 2002
Location: Hell.. Literally
Posts: 241
Gamer is flying high


ALL Gnutella clients MUST use a reasonable amount of bandwidth for getting hosts. No hosts = no files to search for. Bearshare is gnutella too, its just full of ad/spyware
  #13 (permalink)  
Old June 11th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Just installed Xolox , first i qued up 3 files and left them to start. I decided to remove them afew mins lkater. Now Xolox is sending and downloading ! but what?! i have no files in a que , no transfers are showing on the screen? and its using all my bandwith , so if i'm not getting anything or sending anything what is???#

Ive checked with my firewall and its xolox not any other program . I'm a little worried about giving access to this program now.
  #14 (permalink)  
Old June 11th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Unregistered
Just installed Xolox , first i qued up 3 files and left them to start. I decided to remove them afew mins lkater. Now Xolox is sending and downloading ! but what?! i have no files in a que , no transfers are showing on the screen? and its using all my bandwith , so if i'm not getting anything or sending anything what is???#

Ive checked with my firewall and its xolox not any other program . I'm a little worried about giving access to this program now.
read the FAQ, no need to worry.
  #15 (permalink)  
Old June 11th, 2002
Posts: n/a

I have read the FAQ but still at a loss.

I have cleared all searches , cleared anything in the que. Rebooted the pc.
Loaded Xolox and after 5 mins online with no reported uploads , no downloads and no searches it has uploaded 500k and received 500k .

So wjat is this information? and what is it downloading to me?
  #16 (permalink)  
Old June 11th, 2002
Join Date: June 3rd, 2002
Location: Hell.. Literally
Posts: 241
Gamer is flying high

whats wrong there?

500k in 5min = 1.6667kb/s... NORMAL
  #17 (permalink)  
Old June 12th, 2002
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Moak is flying high

Originally posted by Unregistered
I have read the FAQ but still at a loss.
Isn't there a FAQ section explaining that you are part of the Gnutella network (you help to build the newtork)? Perhaps a moderator (or Gamer *g*) wants to explain....
  #18 (permalink)  
Old June 13th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default basically...

everyone who is connected to the gnutella network contributes to keeping it running. when you connect to the network you connect to several other hosts. this is you connection to the network and how all the traffic gets to your computer.

when someone enters a search query it goes out to all the hosts that they are connected to. the hosts send back search results and pass the query on to all the other hosts that they are connected to. these hosts pass their results back to the host immediately behind them who pass it back to you. then this host passes it on to another who passes back results etc etc. so, when you send out a search query it has to pass through lots of hosts and who all send information back.

however, you must remember that you are also a host, and that you have to deal with search queries. your computer receives queries and sends back results then sends the query on, it also forms part of the path back to the searcher for the query further down the line. it does not matter if you have no shared directories, you still have to act as a host, answer searches and forward them.

so, even if you are not downloading or uploading, you still form part of the network and you still have to send information out to all your hosts and receive information from them. kazaa and audiogalaxy were mentioned earlier as not having the problem of so much traffic. I'm not sure how kazaa works, and I'm a bit hazy on audiogalaxy but i think that all searches in ag are directed to a central database which then tells your computer where to go for the download. not sure but I think that's how it works - as you can see this leads to far less traffic but it also makes it easy to shut down. one major advantage that gnutella has is that it would be very difficult for anyone to ever shut it down - as xolox has shown

anyway, back to the point. the very nature of the gnutella network and the decentralised way in which it works means that you form an integral part of the network whenever you connect to it. in turn that means that you must sacrifice bandwidth for the benefits of the network. if you don't like it then design a better network that still has all the benefits of a decentralised guntella

sorry for the long post but I hope that it explains why you have so much traffic passing through your computer.

  #19 (permalink)  
Old June 13th, 2002
Join Date: December 5th, 2001
Location: Scotland
Posts: 49
xolox_girl is flying high

last post was by me, the boards managed to log me out somehow when i was posting

  #20 (permalink)  
Old June 15th, 2002
Join Date: June 3rd, 2002
Location: Hell.. Literally
Posts: 241
Gamer is flying high

happened to me a few times too

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