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Support: General General support discussions and announcements. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old June 3rd, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default bytes sending when xolox runs

why does xolox send so much more data than it recieves?

and that when i am not sending files to anyone?
my upload is massive!!

why is that?
  #2 (permalink)  
Old June 3rd, 2002
Join Date: June 3rd, 2002
Location: Hell.. Literally
Posts: 241
Gamer is flying high
Default Gnutella

The gnutella protocol always uses a reasonably large amount of bandwidth.. People search. You send results.

All the gnutella programs are like this.. XoloX uses far less than most however, this being one of the reasons XoloX is a better client
  #3 (permalink)  
Old June 5th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Exclamation ?!?

Your saying that other programma's do that to.

WEll xolox is the only one, i got kazaa and audio galaxy and neither of them use so much upstream.....

I can't even go to a normal website anymore when xolox is running. And my upstream limit for xolox is 1 kb....

Well i think "WIERD"

I will help to support you,

but i think you need to change it!

Greetz MG d R
  #4 (permalink)  
Old June 5th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Exclamation i want to add something

When i remove al my shared folders. Still xolox is using a realy big peace of my up and downstream!!!

MG d R
  #5 (permalink)  
Old June 5th, 2002
Join Date: April 13th, 2002
Location: The Zoo
Posts: 346
KayaMan is flying high

Odd, I don't see how if you are have it set to 1Kb up and not sharing then it really won't be using much bandwidth at all. You sure its not another program causing this?
We have ran some tests and I personally gauge the bandwidth and I have never seen it get excessive to the point you are saying. Especially if not set to max.

For a dial-up user you should keep it down to 2 to 3Kb/sec when in use.

Last edited by KayaMan; June 5th, 2002 at 02:49 PM.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old June 5th, 2002
BearShare Developer
Join Date: May 25th, 2001
Posts: 163
Vinnie is flying high
Default Umm

Try BearShare 3.0.0 Beta 48, its got full bandwidth controls (including a slider).

Works rather well.

You can get it in BearShare Labs:
  #7 (permalink)  
Old June 5th, 2002
Posts: n/a

freeloading now made easy, vinnie sux.

remember: be nice and fair,
uninstall Bearshare.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old June 5th, 2002
Join Date: April 13th, 2002
Location: The Zoo
Posts: 346
KayaMan is flying high

What the hell?
Vinnie Spamming on the XoloX forum?
  #9 (permalink)  
Old June 5th, 2002
Join Date: April 13th, 2002
Location: The Zoo
Posts: 346
KayaMan is flying high

The upload limit is relative - determines how many simultaneous uploads and downloads you have and node connections - This ENSURES fair sharing a quality not common in clients and prevents leeches. - not naming names

You will find the right balance for your connection and the system works very well. Future builds may have advanced features but current system

from FAQ:
Q. How can I increase my chances of getting better results and faster download speeds?
A. The upload and download speeds are inter-related in XoloX, to increase download speed you must also increase your upload speed which can be changed in Tools > Preferences > Network Settings Tab. By allowing others to download faster from you, this in turn increases the number of download connections you can have. This helps to ensure fairness and balance on the network.

Also see the tips of the day
  #10 (permalink)  
Old June 5th, 2002
Posts: n/a

ppl using filesharing shouldn't whine about traffic. really it's ridiculous. Even don't whine that you provide some bandwitdh to others, did you see the word 'sharing' in filesharing?

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