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Unregistered July 9th, 2002 08:42 AM

can't write to c: drive
Every night i run xolox, every morning my computer has locked up saying can't write to c: drive. Then i have to reboot.
resources are around 60-70%.
xolox 1.2
256k ram
p3 500
I erased xolox from drive and registry, and re-loaded and the problem still occurs. I also disable zonealrm because my computer runs extremely slow with xolox and zonealarm running. All virus programs are disabled also.

starcam July 9th, 2002 11:13 AM

256mb ram
What I think is happening, is that xolox has dloaded a huge file into memory, then goes to write it onto the disk drive and can not do it, because the ram is used up. Maybe I'm wrong, i don't know
If it is right xolox should not fill the ram up to the limit, it should save the data while there is still alot of ram left. Hence not causing lock-ups.

Gamer July 12th, 2002 02:36 AM

How much HD space is free.. As the TOTD says, you need twice the amount of avial hd space as a file you're downloading [So it can merge the file upon completion]

Gamer July 12th, 2002 02:39 AM

Something I would like to add: I would strongly recommend against using win 95 -- Many issues in it and it is a completely unsupported OS now.. 98SE or 2k is the way to go on a computer with those specs.

starcam July 12th, 2002 08:40 PM

more than enough space
There's well over 6x's the space.
Anyway I jumped onto the winmx proggy bandwagon.
My 20 gigs goes to them, they have a very stable and
professional trading program. xolox still needs alot of work
compared to what they have.

Gamer July 12th, 2002 08:48 PM

Personally I like the newer versions of Gnucleus also...

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