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Support: General General support discussions and announcements. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old July 20th, 2002
Join Date: July 20th, 2002
Posts: 1
AmyLowder is flying high
Smile Help please:) I read the frequently asked questions, ect...

Hi, I just downloaded this software. I have one tinsey winsey issue, nothing seems to want to download.

just my luck, lol.

I've downloaded the latest version so I don't think that is the problem. I've also tried downloading those files with the most sources and still, nada. I disabled my firewalls, and nope lol.

I have windows xp. If any of you could offer advice I would much apprecite it.

  #2 (permalink)  
Old July 23rd, 2002
Join Date: July 11th, 2002
Location: Beautiful Northwest
Posts: 8
KayDee is flying high

I'm not using XP so I don't know that this will help much, but I've had a LOT of luck downloading songs. Then again I'm pretty patient too. I'm running Win98 with cable, firewall, still on 1.20 though (I haven't found the answers yet as to if my current transfers will keep, or if they will have to start over...) Some things that have worked for me are:

1. Keeping my firewall active, but allowing Xolox full access (or something like that, it's a fairly automated firewall thank goodness).

2. Leaving Xolox active at odd times, i.e. when I'm going to be gone for many hours, and when I go to bed. The only times I've needed to turn it off completely is when I use other programs that also use a lot of RAM.

3. Downloading the same song(s)/file(s) from more than one source, even ones that are only rated as 1, I've had those go through immediately while others more highly rated never downloaded or finished, and then I've cancelled the other downloads as soon as one of them started.

4. In the transfers folder (in 1.20) I keep the "Clear finished and aborted transers" box unchecked until I want to clear them so I can make sure that I'm downloading the right songs/files or only one exact copy of each file, and again cancel the downloads of other files that aren't needed. Then I check and uncheck the box when the unnecessary transfers strings are no longer needed to be visable.

I hope all this info helps!!


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