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Support: General General support discussions and announcements. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 12th, 2002
Join Date: July 28th, 2002
Posts: 12
Cris is flying high
Thumbs down enter cacino ad & errors - problems & questions

I have been having problems with xolox. I put the older version back on, and it was working fine, but then it just said connecting to the network - the entire time, and wouldn't connect. (I tried all sorts of solutions, like closing zone alarm etc) So I put the new version back on, and hoped it would work better with the new zone alarm version. (not much luck so far).

It won't run for very long at a time. I believe several things are going on.

One for sure -a separate window pops up that says 'enter cacino'every time zone alarm is open. Every time this pop up window opens, zolox performs an error and shuts down. I was reading about an ad problem that was supposedly fixed. This just happened to me several times today (8-12-02), so it is either not fixed, or a different ad problem. (pop up ads are a pain anyway, and take memory from systems - and since xolox needs memory to run, this is double whammy !) (I don't have problems with ads running across the top, and for support of programs such as this, just when they cause problems, such as the pop-ups).

Also - Maybe some one can tell me if I can find a file, and what the cause of this might be. When a file completes, it is at 99%. It goes to 100% - creating the file as it's supposed to, and all looks good. As soon as the create file dialog finishes, zolox performs an error, and shuts down - then, the 100% file is not in my downloaded file folder, or in the in-complete list in the xolox program. so...when xolox runs - I'm not getting any completed files, even when they finish downloading! Any thoughts?
  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 12th, 2002
Join Date: July 22nd, 2002
Location: 20 miles north of the North Pole
Posts: 370
antihedron is flying high

You could try reinstalling again. Also, if you are using the older version the bug fixes have not been implemented, as it is an older version. If you ask me it seems like some sort of problem that is specific to your system. Mabey, there are other problems that are making it very hard for Xolox to run.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 12th, 2002
Join Date: June 3rd, 2002
Location: Hell.. Literally
Posts: 241
Gamer is flying high

How much space is free on the drive which you installed XoloX on?
  #4 (permalink)  
Old August 12th, 2002
Join Date: July 22nd, 2002
Location: 20 miles north of the North Pole
Posts: 370
antihedron is flying high

Iv'e got about 10GB left.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old August 12th, 2002
Join Date: July 28th, 2002
Posts: 12
Cris is flying high

The drive it is on has 13.6 gigs free. I have windows xp home - an 863 mhz processer with 384 mb ram (according to my system properties in control panel) (pentium III).

There is definitely a problem with the pop up ads - others besides cacino have popped up and caused an error in xolox. Also - I got one of those downloads - where I came back in to my computer and sitting on my desktop was a box asking me if I wanted to save or open or cancel the download - that I hadn't clicked on any link to download anything. I run ad-aware regularly, and also another cleanup program.

I have the newest xolox installed, since I couldn't get the older version to connect at all.

btw - I found my download. It had set up a sub folder that I didn't realize was mixed in with all of my own sub folders.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old August 12th, 2002
Join Date: July 22nd, 2002
Location: 20 miles north of the North Pole
Posts: 370
antihedron is flying high

I wasn't implying that your computer was not good enough, just was being tempemental. Although of all the Windows OSs XP is the least tempermental, Windows XP still has it problems. Every reinstallation of Windows gives you a different set of quirks that only effect certian things. Also, what software you have installed, or even removed, can effect the performance of other programs. I do not deny that this is a problem, but I think that you will probably have to find a workaround solution.

Note, there are other things that can cause Xolox to crash on startup (the ad is always there so it could be a coincidence). Checkout some of the other threads and the Xolox FAQ for stuff that could make it crash on start up.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old August 13th, 2002
Join Date: July 28th, 2002
Posts: 12
Cris is flying high
Default sorry - and ? on resumeinfo.txt

Sorry antihedron, Gamer asked how much free space I had, and I thought I should just give a run down of my system - Usually when people are having problems, someone comes back and asks what the system is - in order to gain some insight into what's going on. I didn't think you were implying my system was not good enough ! And I appreciate your input. Thanks!

Can I transfer my resumeinfo.txt to my daughter's folder? She doesn't seem to have the problems I do when she runs it on her winXP desktop/segment. The info is stored in different locations.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old August 13th, 2002
Join Date: July 22nd, 2002
Location: 20 miles north of the North Pole
Posts: 370
antihedron is flying high

Hmm... That is interesting. If Xolox only has problems under your user, then it is a 99% chance it is due to interfearence between programs you are running or some part of Xolox that is specific to your user is corrupted. For instance if your resumeinfo.txt file is corrupted, Xolox will crash on startup. You could also try removing the programs from your user's start up that are not in common with your daughter's. Then you can load each one at a time to try and find out if any of those programs are causing the problem.

If you move your resumeinfo.txt to your daughter's domain than her resumeinfo.txt will be replaced and she will loose her partial download data unless you back up her's also.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old August 13th, 2002
Join Date: July 28th, 2002
Posts: 12
Cris is flying high
Default hmmm !

I agree ! Hmmm !!
My dtr is using the older version, and she didn't have the problem with it not being able to connect that I was having.

Mine opens and starts. It will even download. It closes when the ads pop up. Not the scrolling ads - the ones that pop up in a separate window. So now, my daughter and I are using different versions!

I was hoping my resumeinfo.txt would just merge with hers. I think I'll try backing mine up, and uninstalling and re-installing it again and see what happens.

where do I find the properties settings? To tell it to play nice with winXP ? In another thread, Ironman had suggested that I "go into the properties tab for Xolox and click on the combatiblity tab. Then set Xolox to run with Win2k or WinME compatability to see if that corrects it." I saw this set of tabs once, but can't find them again to try this!! It isn't under preferences...
  #10 (permalink)  
Old August 13th, 2002
Join Date: June 3rd, 2002
Location: Hell.. Literally
Posts: 241
Gamer is flying high

I've had no issues on xp pro such as what you have mentioned myself..

To set compatibility mode, Right click on xolox.exe>Properties>Compatibility

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