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rexmor September 4th, 2002 12:24 AM

Help to Connect to Gnutella network.
I'm using Xolox Ver1.22 and already download hostslist.txt and saved to C:\Program Files\XoloX and still I couldn't connect to Gnutella network. Our connection is DSL 1mpbs. I doubt our administrator changes or restrict to connect to Gnutella. Is it possible?

I'm waiting some reply.



antihedron September 4th, 2002 12:25 PM

Make sure you have the latest build. Your problem may have already been solved. Also try using a different host list. As everyone has started using the same hosts, those hosts will not have many open slots.

rexmor September 4th, 2002 05:11 PM

What do you mean about the LATEST BUILD? Where could I get some hostslist? I have already uninstalled the XoloX and delete XoloX from Registry. Any Idea please... any steps that I could follow on... Thanks in advance...


antihedron September 4th, 2002 09:03 PM

You can check what version you have in the "about Xolox" in the help menu. You can try my host list, which I put up on the forum a few days ago.

Iamnacho September 4th, 2002 09:25 PM

I also have not been able to connect to gnutella, and a few friends of mine also have been unable to connect after a new dowload. Any ideas?

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