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Dsn November 5th, 2002 03:40 PM

SocketDataAvailable error
this is the error that i keep getting from XoLoX. I have un-installed, cleared the registry and re-installed several times.

Windows XP Pro
1 gig memory
1.7 GHz
XoLoX ver. 1.32 build 388.................

Please HELP!!!

Exception EConvertError in "SocketDataAvailable"
Bytes read:441
Total bytes read:479
Exception message:'20Z' is not a valid integer value
Connection type:20
Connection buffer length:441
Connection buffer offset:0

antihedron November 5th, 2002 03:53 PM

Try renaming your "hostlist.txt" file. If that solves your problem you can delete it. (not the new one that is created by Xolox) Otherwise change it back so you do not loose any stored hosts. (Xolox takes longer to connect when it has to find fresh hosts)

Dsn November 6th, 2002 04:59 AM

i renamed the Hostslist.txt file... and re-started XoLoX. After five(5) minutes.... i got the same error.

Please Help!!!!!!!

Exception EConvertError in "SocketDataAvailable"
Bytes read:441
Total bytes read:479
Exception message:'20Z' is not a valid integer value
Connection type:20
Connection buffer length:441
Connection buffer offset:0

KayaMan November 6th, 2002 10:09 AM

That seem's to be an error being caused by Shareaza 1.7 which is beta testing a 'gnutella 2'. it is sending info XoloX doesn't recognize causing this error.


KayaMan November 6th, 2002 10:57 AM

Additionally, the next version out soon (we hope) and also soon for public beta testing in the 'beta section' of this forum... addresses this issue.


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