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khixon November 17th, 2002 06:26 AM

Getting it to work !!!
Help Please .... After downloading, when I go to play the movie and some music my windows media player will freeze up my system. I can play some music from Xolox but I have never been able to play a movie. I thought something might be wrong with the media player so checked it out on another area and it played fine. Am I doing something wrong?
I re-read the directions and I can't seem to find what I am missing.
Can someone please give me some direction....

Thank You !!

antihedron November 17th, 2002 08:38 AM

That is a problem with your computer, not Xolox. If your computer is not handleing open file commands properly, than that is not Xolox's fault. These forums are for Xolox support, not the files you downlaod with it.

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