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robdesantis December 5th, 2002 02:37 AM

Connection problems -- error messages
I continually receive this error message when trying to connect to the network:

HMODULE: 4194304
Unhandled exception EHandleOsError
Exception message:Exception happened in Xotella.Timer1Timer
Exception: EExternalException
Message: External exception 80000003
Prev call stack: "[BFF768A1] DebugBreak"

Call stack:

Sometimes the status bar indicates "connected to 5 of 6 hosts" and then progresses to "network OK". Then almost instantaneously I will receive the above message. At other times I will receive this error message after connecting to only 1 or 2 hosts. (By the way, are 6 hosts enough? Should I add more? How?).

I had to remove 2.txt files to be able to connect using the prior build (as per antihedron -- many thanks). Is it possible to put those files back into the Xolox folder, or would that cause problems? These are large files with many search results that were in my transfer list. I tried to cut and paste them into the Xolox folder but I received an error message stating that the source and the destination were the same. I run Windows 98 second edition, 512 cache, 20 GB hard drive, 2.4 Pentium 4. I am a quadriplegic so I must use Dragon NaturallySpeaking to interact with the computer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

antihedron December 6th, 2002 05:38 AM

Hmm that is a strange error.

You do not need more than the 7 hosts set as the default for almost anything. It can be changed in the advanced networking properties.

Putting the damaged files beck is not going to help. It will only cause the error you were getting before to happen again.

robdesantis December 6th, 2002 09:17 AM

Connection Problems
HMODULE: 4194304
Unhandled exception EHandleOsError
Exception message:Exception happened in Xotella.Timer1Timer
Exception: EExternalException
Message: External exception 80000003
Prev call stack: "[BFF768A1] DebugBreak"

Call stack:

So what is your suggestion about dealing with this problem? Should I move back to an earlier build?
At this point, I am unable to connect at all?!

antihedron December 7th, 2002 03:50 PM

what OS and Xolox version are you running?

robdesantis December 7th, 2002 06:17 PM

I am running Windows 98 SE and Xolox 1.4 build 490. I renamed the resumeinfo.txt file from the Xolox folder and I am now able to connect. Apparently there is a corrupted file within resumeinfo.txt. Now I can connect, but at the expense of losing all my search results. Or is there a possibility that the problem lies elsewhere -- a time-out error perhaps, considering the error message, and that file does not necessarily have to be removed? Or is that wishful thinking? Thanks again for all your help.

antihedron December 8th, 2002 07:55 PM

If the resumeinfo.txt file got corrupted there is not much you can do about it. If you want you can try and isolate the specific records in the file that are making Xolox crash. (trial and error)

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