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Support: General General support discussions and announcements. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old September 10th, 2001
Join Date: September 10th, 2001
Posts: 5
moffen is flying high
Default anything.exe

This is not a xolox bug,more a warning. If you try to find something special (i.E. try shakespeare or your name, if it is not Micheal Jackson ) sooner or later you'll get a shakespeare.exe or yourname.exe It is a virus. Always.

  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 10th, 2001
Panthera Onca
Join Date: September 7th, 2001
Location: CA
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The Seeker is flying high
Default Viruses

From wht I hear, future versons will have filters for known viruses (exact search + ext @ certain # of bytes) In the mean time, the easiest way to avoid seeing these is to use the file type drop down list to select the type of media you are searching for. No files with no extention (unless you select 'any type') or exe files (unless you choose programs) will be shown.

Anyone dumb enough to download a file that exactly matches a search they were doing for an MP3 but has an exe at the end deserves to have their computer fry. :P (Too bad the G'net viruses are generally benign and onyl like to propogate)
  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 10th, 2001
Join Date: September 10th, 2001
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moffen is flying high
Default dumb enough

Well, i.e. : I'm working as an actor and occasionally as webdesigner. Searching the web and gnutella for files and informations about "not so well known" artists. Of cause i'll take a look at hans-neblung.exe . Without being "dumb"
Open up your mind, seeker, try to imagine, people don't use the same stuff in the same way. Not everybody is searching for mainstream mp3 or porn-videos. Right?

  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 10th, 2001
Panthera Onca
Join Date: September 7th, 2001
Location: CA
Posts: 238
The Seeker is flying high
Default Re: dumb enough

Originally posted by moffen
Well, i.e. : I'm working as an actor and occasionally as webdesigner.
This is irrelevant.

Searching the web and gnutella for files and informations about "not so well known" artists.
Hate to tell 'ya, but if they aren't very well known, the odds of finding info you won't find on a www or usenet search are about nil.

Of cause i'll take a look at hans-neblung.exe . Without being "dumb"
Why? Documents are small enough, and even if you want to zip them or extra space, everyone has archive extraction utilities, so there's no real point in making it self-extracting. Have you ever happened to find information in exe format?

Open up your mind, seeker, try to imagine, people don't use the same stuff in the same way. Not everybody is searching for mainstream mp3 or porn-videos. Right?
Even if you're not searching for 'mainstream' stuff, that doesn't mean that you should throw away sense. Documents will be in .txt .doc .wri etc. formats, or zipped into clearly labeled archives. They will virtually never exe files, and definately not exe files that exactly match the keyword(s) you used.

And beneath all that... downloading anything in executable format from anywhere but trustworthy websites, to me, is stupid.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 10th, 2001
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Moak is flying high

Cmon boys take it easy

Here is a link to information about the "Mandragore" virus.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old September 10th, 2001
Panthera Onca
Join Date: September 7th, 2001
Location: CA
Posts: 238
The Seeker is flying high
Arrow Yeah yeah..

I'm not in a great mood today... (though I should be) ... and people stating the obvious is one of my pet peeves. I really should just type a reply and hit alt-F4 istead of send... get the rant out of my system.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old September 10th, 2001
Join Date: September 10th, 2001
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moffen is flying high
Default fine

Seeker, Moak, thanx for your advice.
I'm a newbie in gnutella-networking, writing in a foreign language and heard nothing about the Mandragore Virus till now. Sorry for any inconvinience this may have caused.
Anyway, I keep on searching for "not so well known" stuff, somebody has to.
Finally, seeker, never meant to annoy you, maybe this cheers you up:

  #8 (permalink)  
Old September 10th, 2001
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Location: Europe
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Moak is flying high

Thx man! Need more funny stuff, search gnutella for:

Tripping the Rift.mpeg (27,7MB)
ThumbWars.mpg (79,6MB)

Have fun, Moak

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