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Support: General General support discussions and announcements. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old September 25th, 2001
Panthera Onca
Join Date: September 7th, 2001
Location: CA
Posts: 238
The Seeker is flying high
Default Buggy windows and a retraction.

Main bug:
When going to the preferences, a window is created, only the sharing and network tabs are automatically generated, sharing and downloads are created if selected. When closing the preferences, the window is hidden isntead of destroyed, and a new preferences window is created if opened again. These windows are not created as children of XoloX, but ARE destroyed when the program exits.

While speaking of windows, XoloX creates a "XSocketWindowClass" window for every conenction it makes and 25 "TPUtilWindow" windows which I have no idea about, also not as children of XoloX. Are these all nessecary? (just wondering)

Other windows not children of the (hidden) XoloX application window are:
'XoloX 1.12 Next Generation File Sharing' = TMainForm (main XoloX window)
'XoloX running' = TInstanceManager (?)
untitled = ComboLBox (Type Drop down list on the Search tab(Panel4) should be a child of Panel6 instead of on it's own)
As well as any pop up messages that appear (like the network connection notification box)

A clerification on part of this thread: The "connect to host" boxes don't seem to do anythign when I enter an IP, but if I enter a hostmask, it connects.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 26th, 2001
Moak's Avatar
Join Date: September 7th, 2001
Location: Europe
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Moak is flying high

Which debugger/program did you use for your investigations?
  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 26th, 2001
Panthera Onca
Join Date: September 7th, 2001
Location: CA
Posts: 238
The Seeker is flying high
Default Utils

Taskinfo2000 Ver
»This lets me see the number of windows/handles/threads a process has open.

Scott's Window Resizing Utility (SWRU)
»This lets me see the list of windows open on the system.

007x: Part of the Rix2K Extreme Power Tools freeware set. For the lastest versions, buy the whole set at RadSoft
»This also lets me see the list of open windows, but also buttons, forms, list boxes, etc. and displays them in a nicer way; in a tree view by parent->child relationship.

When I debug (want to actually watch a program execute) I use OllyDbg but I don't use it often, as debugging maxes out my CPU usage.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 26th, 2001
Moak's Avatar
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Location: Europe
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Moak is flying high

thx a lot, I will test them.

Propably also helpfull is "Spy++" which comes with Visual C++. I usually use it for getting knowledge about threads/windows/classes (in a tree view) or tracking messages/events.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 28th, 2001
XoloX Developer
Join Date: September 6th, 2001
Posts: 43
Pasman is flying high

Thanks for the feedback ..

We had some ISP problems, but they seem to be solved.
Now we can focus on the app again.

I will look at your comments..


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