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Support: General General support discussions and announcements. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old September 27th, 2001
Panthera Onca
Join Date: September 7th, 2001
Location: CA
Posts: 238
The Seeker is flying high
Default Access violation read of address FFFFFFFF isolated!

while messing around boredly with XoloX I figured this one out. Double-clicking in the download trasfers (TransferpannelTop), Downloads (FilesPanelTop), or shared files (Building Index: ...) where a file is not present (blank space) an access violation occurs as it sends what I assume would be a null value to the double-click handler for the window.

This is easily repeatable, and probably just as easily fixed.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 28th, 2001
XoloX Developer
Join Date: September 6th, 2001
Posts: 43
Pasman is flying high

HI Seeker.

THanks for sorting out this bug. Will be fixed in next version.

  #3 (permalink)  
Old October 19th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Question FFFFFFFF violation

I don't understand your post. I used to get this error only at shut down or after running for a while. Now I'm getting it at start up and it freezes Xolox and can only close it with the three finger salute. Are you saying that there is a way I could fix this on a one time basis by making a change to a sl or temp file? Could this be caused by lack of free hd space? Any ideas would be helpful as there were 3 big "avi" files at 99% when I got a "sys resources low failure" and had to reboot and now can't get back on to complete the downloads. I have a partitioned hd, and probablely could free up some hd space, question is how much as a minimum? Since I'm so far along on the dl's how much space is actually needed to rejoin the segments?

  #4 (permalink)  
Old October 20th, 2001
Posts: n/a

Pls read the post "error in xolox.exe "
  #5 (permalink)  
Old October 20th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default access violation

I read the post and have had MemTurbo on the machine since it came out. This is a new problem. I have 2 machines networked to a cable modem. The slower machine is directly connect to the cable (300mz 128 ram) and it usually gives me dl speeds of 500-700k. My 2nd machine (450 mz 256 ram) networked with "homefree" hardware, which networks thru the home phone lines only gets speeds of 30-50 k dl max, but it will still connect to xolox. It's the first machine that's giving me the problem and so far I have cleaned out 1.2 gigs on it's hd but am still getting the problem and am unable to start.

Any other thoughts? I have read thru all the related posts I could find but none gave me a workable answer.

  #6 (permalink)  
Old October 20th, 2001
Posts: n/a

could be a hardware/software issue.

Since the second machine works, how about swaping it for the first one and installing the cable modem on that. If it starts to crash out then you have narrowed it to the cable modem or s/w.

If it works OK, the you probably have a conflict with some other s/w on the other pc - usually dlls.

good luck
  #7 (permalink)  
Old October 20th, 2001
Posts: n/a

Before I switch machines I'd like to check any easier options. Limewire and Phex still work on machine one. It's only Xolox that started giving the problem when it started to get close to finishing the 3 large avi files.(99% complete). Which is why I think it's something with Xolox. I think I'll try moving some of the files out to a temp dir and reloading Xolox, unless anyone can think of a better idea.

  #8 (permalink)  
Old October 20th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Question found problem but still need help

I found the problem to be a corrupted resumeinfo.txt file. Since I still have all the xlx segments is there anyway to fix the damaged part of the resumeinfo.txt file? It appears to have dropped the first couple of jobs, but the ones I'm concerned about saving are jobs 10, 11. & 12. The info for job 10 is completely gone but it was 99% complete with only 3 segments. If someone could explain how to insert that back in I should be able to figure out the rest. The info in the resumeinfo.txt file is complete for job 12, but seems to be partially corrupted in job 11 that is a 701meg avi file with over 13 xlx files, again 99% complete.

Thanx again,
  #9 (permalink)  
Old October 29th, 2001
Posts: n/a

I get this same msg, but it happens when I try to install XoloX. During the XoloX startup, while finding system settings.

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