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Unregistered October 8th, 2001 02:37 PM

NoOne is uploading from me
Hi all!
After some weeks in exile (read: Audiogalaxy), I decided to check out how Gnutella was doing.
So I stumbled over this terrific pice of software! My first concern was - as always - how can something free be so good? Now that I'm used to it, I've another concern: Nobody seems to download my files!
I have put the uploadSpeed parameter to max, I have 512 kbps upstream and 12 GB of mp3-files.
Strange - earlier, when I used BearShare, I uploaded ¨1MB pr minute.

I've unchecked the 'Clear finnished and aborted transfers' and checked the 'My uploads visible', so I'll let it run for some more time, before I close it - don't want to use Gnutella without sharing.

Any suggestions?


The Seeker October 8th, 2001 09:29 PM

The 'Clear finnished and aborted transfers' option only refers to your dowloads. Your uploads always dissapear from the list the moment they are complete.

Try sitting for a while watching the upload monitor window, I bet you see a lot of people downloading from you.

Unregistered October 9th, 2001 09:38 AM

a lot

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