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icurnvs October 14th, 2001 10:17 PM

What's with the MONSTER kHz files?
When I do a search for just about any file, kHz files always show up in the search results and the file sizes are astronomical! They sometimes get over 1 GB in size? Anyone know exactly what these files are?

The Seeker October 15th, 2001 04:18 AM

As stated in several other threads, this is due to XoloX misinterpeting extended query hit data generated by BearShare and Gnotella (any others?) this bug also causes the: "The fisrt letter is missing, the file size is huge, and I can't download the song!:mad:" syndrome.

It's me October 16th, 2001 10:41 AM

Gnucleus got exactly the same problem
Perhaps the developers of Xolox and the Gnucleus clones can unite and find out how to remove this error?

swabby October 16th, 2001 03:23 PM

Gnucleus does recognize extended query hit data and disregards it when displaying the results.

it's me October 16th, 2001 05:26 PM

Gnucleus does recognize extended query hit data and disregards it when displaying the results.

Now maybe, but it wasn't long ago...

Moak October 17th, 2001 12:58 AM

> Perhaps the developers of Xolox and the Gnucleus clones
> can unite and find out how to remove this error?

The problem is known, now we wait until the xolox team has time to launch a new version. I hope there will be Halloween version and we don't have to wait for the eastern '02 version :)

Morgwen October 17th, 2001 01:18 AM


Originally posted by The Seeker
As stated in several other threads, this is due to XoloX misinterpeting extended query hit data generated by BearShare and Gnotella (any others?) this bug also causes the: "The fisrt letter is missing, the file size is huge, and I can't download the song!:mad:" syndrome.
Hi seeker,

I posted this on and now I waiting for an anwser!


Morgwen October 17th, 2001 03:13 AM


here is the feedback...


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