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Support: General General support discussions and announcements. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old October 15th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default Bug Report: XoloX vs. Window 2k Server

Hello XoloX developers!

First, I just want to say how much I like your client. It has quickly become my favorite for gnutella access - thanks to the segmented downloading and auto-rescan functionality.

The following is a list of the bugs that I've seen when running XoloX on W2k Server:

a) Sometimes, after hours of use, XoloX will cause a 'Memory Access Exception...' or even cause the machine to completely reboot! I haven't looked to see if this is due to a memory leak, or if XoloX is actually stomping on unallocated memory locations. This is the biggest and most frustrating bug.

b) In the search/web browser window, hitting return in a form (like this one to post to the forum) does not add a blank line. The return is simply discarded. I typed this in notepad and pasted it in to get around that one.

c) I see that you're already aware of the 'missing first letter' syndrome from other posts in the forum, as well as the one with huge Khz files, so there's no need to explain those.

d) System performance becomes greatly degraded when running XoloX. I know there's a lot to do in the background related to the searches and all, but it really seems to bring this system (450Mhz P2, 320MB RAM) to its knees at times. I would run it on one of my other machines, but I'm also using this one to firewall them (so I wouldn't be able to get pushes from outside, firewalled, machines if I didn't run it here).

Anyway, keep up the good work!
  #2 (permalink)  
Old October 15th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default One more...

Here's one I almost forgot:

Occasionally, in the transfers list - I will see people trying to download files from me that are 00% complete in my own download list. Of course, these requests end pretty much instantly, but at times it seems that I get hammered with them (when I have a real popular file queued but haven't gotten a connection yet).

I think that XoloX should not report a hit for a file (to other XoloX users) unless it has at least 1% of it.

  #3 (permalink)  
Old October 16th, 2001
Seeking Enlightenment
Join Date: September 18th, 2001
Posts: 39
guru is flying high

Check out Memturbo to cure those memory leaks its a real boon
  #4 (permalink)  
Old October 16th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default No Memturbo

No thanks. I would rather them just fix the actual problem - the memory bugs in XoloX - than apply some other workaround product.

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