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Support: General General support discussions and announcements. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old October 15th, 2001
Join Date: October 11th, 2001
Location: Pittsburgh
Posts: 6
DanninEmX is flying high
Question Are any of these questions/complaints posted answered by appropriate official at all?

I've posted a report that I keep getting downloads that stop at 99% completion and requested e-mail notification of the post being answered, but I haven't got an answer so far. Do officials at Gnutella read these messages at all? (then could I pleeease get some help with that, please?)
  #2 (permalink)  
Old October 15th, 2001
Panthera Onca
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The Seeker is flying high

Where did you post it to? Did you try searching the XoloX forums for "99%" first? Most often when I don't answer a question it's because I've answered the same one more than a few times before.

As for your question, usually when a file is nearing completion, the segments you are currently downloading get finished, and the hosts are dropped. The remaining gaps between segments still have to be filled, but you must find new hosts to connect to to get them. The hosts you just disconnected from are often busy, so re-connecting to them might not be possible.

Before you complain about this behavior (which can't easily be avoided at this time) try comparing total time spent downloading the file vs. other sharing programs such as Limewire or BearShare.

As for the devs, I'm hoping that they're just busy right now. Moak, myself, and a few other diligent testers uncovered several fairly major flaws in the program while they were having ISP troubles. Now that they are back, these problems should have priority over responding to old topics by new posters on the forums.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old October 16th, 2001
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I stopped replying on question that have been answered several times. I'm sorry... but I try to help on every additional question or new problems. I think using "search" is something every new user should do first.

If Seekers explanation couldn't help yet, feel free to ask more, he or another user will try to help you.

Last edited by Moak; October 16th, 2001 at 03:40 AM.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old October 16th, 2001
Join Date: October 11th, 2001
Location: Pittsburgh
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DanninEmX is flying high

Thank you for the assistance, but I don't think my issue was understood properly. I wasn't complaining about the downloads dropping the hosts as they near completion; I was pointing out that it wouldn't FINISH the download, no matter how long I wait. I mean, if the program automatically drops off hosts (for what, I have no idea.. is that supposed to be a bug??) as a download nears completion, as you say, it should naturally seek out a new host to download the remaining part of the file to fill up the last 1%, shouldn't it? My problem is that even if it succeeds in finding an active open host (or several of them), it doesn't download anything from it (or from any of the many). (one time, I had waited a couple of days and yet the download was not complete, so I just aborted it)

and isn't the fact that it stops certain perfectly fine downloads at 99% point just to look for some other hosts itself a bug, if not (forgive me for the expression.. quite a retarded side of the program? (... but I think it's well deserved, if it was meant to do that) It doesn't happen to all the downloads, but large files tend to do that more often than small files and I just have to know why so I could take alternative ways to download such large files without this problem...
  #5 (permalink)  
Old October 17th, 2001
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> it should naturally seek out a new host to download the
> remaining part of the file to fill up the last 1%, shouldn't it?

It does. But what happens if no new hosts could be found, this is gnutella... you never know. Wait some more days, if some of your downloads really never finishs and allways stop at 99%, report it as a possible bug.

> program automatically drops off hosts (for what,
> I have no idea.. is that supposed to be a bug??)

Sorry, I won't describe again, it has been well explained (keywords: dropping partial, multihosted parallel downloads).

Hope it helps, Moak
  #6 (permalink)  
Old October 18th, 2001
Posts: n/a

Well, hi all.

First of all Xolox is the best, grrreat work, wow!

Have been following these threads for some time now and must say maybe your being a little unfair here Moak. If I search for "dropping partial" the only match is, guess what: this thread...

The actual problem as I see it (consider this a preliminary bug report) is that when a part from a 'erronously serving' host is dropped, which happens at 99% (in my case 50% of a 500 MB file, ack!), Xolox dutyfully reconnects to that host and re-downloads exactly that piece of junked-up data again and again and... (10 times is it, before that host is ignored ?)

You get to see the point: You simply don't want to download 250 MB of 'junk' 10 times in a row in order to permanently ignore that host, so aborting (thereby sacrificing the other half of the download that checked out OK) is the only viable "solution". Ouch.

Also such a critical error message such as "dropping erronously served part" should remain in the message bar, so users like DanninEmX and all the others know what actually happened.

Hope THAT helps :-)

Love, boo.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old October 18th, 2001
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Default Use the force, Luke

Hi guest!

> must say maybe your being a little unfair here Moak.

Hmm... sorry. Maybe my problem is that I expect people know how to search. If I'm new to a newsgroup, mailinglist or forum... I read the FAQ first and use the search possibility or Google. So take my excuse, here are the results (you find them and even more when searching for "drop OR part OR downloads"):

Losing Partial Downloads

New user queries

Downloads stop at 98% then restart WTF???????

Stuck at 99%?

Droping speed at the end of downloads

... mea culpa, Moak

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