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Support: General General support discussions and announcements. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old October 21st, 2001
Join Date: October 21st, 2001
Location: kansas city
Posts: 3
superpea7 is flying high
Unhappy job segment instead of mp3

I have a weird problem I wonder if anyone knows about.

I have been wrestling with xolox the last couple of weeks (I love it, it must work), first the connection problems, then download problems, which I corrected with help from the support forums. I created folders for temp and downloads, which were indeed missing when I reinstalled and it seemed to work again. Thank god because the search results are so much more interesting than other programs.

I merrily downloaded songs for several hours, (not once looking my files directory of course) and when I tried to find them, my download folder was empty(!!) My loud scream of horror was heard down the block.

I rechecked preferences for downloaded files placement and all was well. Then I looked in temp and there they all were, posing as job segments with a .xlx extension. All named JOB-segment and numbered 1-1 thru 56-1. I changed the file extension to mp3 and they play on wmp just fine. The 3 or 4 that I listened to were complete so what the heck are they doing hiding out in temp?

I hope someone has a solution, because renaming every song I download is not a happy prospect...although it would mean the file names would match the mp3 coding, which seems to get messed up alot.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2001
Join Date: October 22nd, 2001
Posts: 7
flare is flying high
Default wrong extension in temp dir

I've just found your message but I already described a similar problem in path problems. Seems like you've discovered one of the stranger behaviors of XoloX - or better: simpler design solutions.

I would be interested if the problem I described resembles your situation.


URL has been updated

Last edited by flare; October 22nd, 2001 at 08:16 PM.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2001
Join Date: October 22nd, 2001
Posts: 7
flare is flying high
Unhappy stupid link!

Obviously I'm not able to handle links right within this forum. Okay, don't know how to reference to my thread except to say that it is 13 threads further than yours ...
  #4 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2001
Join Date: October 21st, 2001
Location: kansas city
Posts: 3
superpea7 is flying high

Dearest Flare,
Your problem is definitely similar, although I don't have a lack of hard drive space...yet. Did you have to create your own folders after you installed? This last time I reinstalled a new version with the missing directories was the first time I have had this problem. I have had to reinstall about a million times due to the weird integer(?) errors, but this was the first time I downloaded a fresh xolox. I kinda wish I hadn't saved over my old version.

I have not looked into editing a txt file yet, maybe that will help. In the xolox directory I only have a templist.txt and hostlist.txt file. I wonder what is this resume-something.txt I have read about? I will have to read up on that.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2001
Join Date: May 28th, 2000
Posts: 894
CycloCide is flying high
Default Re: stupid link!

Originally posted by flare
Obviously I'm not able to handle links right within this forum. Okay, don't know how to reference to my thread except to say that it is 13 threads further than yours ...
That link works.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2001
Join Date: October 22nd, 2001
Posts: 7
flare is flying high
Default resumeinfo.txt

Meanwhile I'm using totally different folders than the defaults. Has to do with my folder scheme and my of organization and stuff ...

Did you start downloading before setting up the directories? Did you start XoloX before creating the dirs? That might make difficulties - I don't know where the temp and download dirs default to if they don't exist at runtime. But it looks just like that the download dir couldn't be found when your downloads completed - maybe because you forgot to create them?

XoloX has some weaknesses that are quite annoying because ... well ... because they are so easy to fix. Wouldn't take me a day if it's any language except assembler. The rest is still great work but this is ... uhmm ... I don't know, can't find the words. I'm too tired, I will go to bed after this post.

Originally posted by superpea7
I have not looked into editing a txt file yet, maybe that will help. In the xolox directory I only have a templist.txt and hostlist.txt file. I wonder what is this resume-something.txt I have read about? I will have to read up on that.
The resumeinfo.txt is the file where XoloX stores its resume information. Any Download with a list of host is saved in there as well as the list of segments XoloX creates (incl. path) and the path where the final download will be saved. Better not to edit unless you know what you are doing ...

The resumeinfo.txt is only there if there were any downloads the last time XoloX was closed (one way or the other )


Last edited by flare; October 22nd, 2001 at 08:27 PM.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2001
Join Date: October 22nd, 2001
Posts: 7
flare is flying high
Default Re: Re: stupid link!

Originally posted by CycloCide

That link works.
Yeah, it works, but links to the wrong thread. There was a '1' missing at the end of the URL. Now it works at it was intended.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2001
Join Date: October 21st, 2001
Location: kansas city
Posts: 3
superpea7 is flying high

Did you start downloading before setting up the directories? Did you start XoloX before creating the dirs? That might make difficulties - I don't know where the temp and download dirs default to if they don't exist at runtime. But it looks just like that the download dir couldn't be found when your downloads completed - maybe because you forgot to create them?
It did no downloading without directories. It gave me filestream errors. I researched the forum and found the fix was creating the directories. It was after I created them and started xolox again that it put all songs in temp as job segments. Very weird. And I didn't really forget to create the directories, because the first version of xolox that I had created them automatically, the next one didn't. I don't know if the newer version just doesn't like me and my win2k or if it does this all the time.

The resumeinfo.txt is the file where XoloX stores its resume information. Any Download with a list of host is saved in there as well as the list of segments XoloX creates (incl. path) and the path where the final download will be saved. Better not to edit unless you know what you are doing ...
Ahhh, I get it (duh), resuming downloads when xolox is next opened. I didn't have one because I didn't close the program during any downloads yet. And I know what you mean about editing. I certainly couldn't do it without more research and maybe not even then. Then again if I do screw something up, what's the worst that could happen? I could reinstall a million and 1 times.

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