October 22nd, 2001
Apprentice | | Join Date: October 22nd, 2001
Posts: 7
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path problems I think there's a problem with the directories Xolox is using for temporary and finsihed files. Well, it's not so much of a problem but a design weakness:
Assume, you use Xolox default dirs "[program files]\xolox\temp" and "[program files]\xolox\download" for some time but then notice that there's not enough space on that drive to hold all that downloads and temp files and decide to enter new paths in the preferences. Everything should be okay, shouldn't it? I guess so, because I didn't let it come to it.
Actually, I've never used the default paths, but a different path on the same drive. After noticing my lack of space I installed a new hard disk drive and moved my directory containing not only XoloX stuff (just the download dir) but also a lot of personal files to the new drive and edited the preferences to point to the new drive. After some time there were some downloads completed but I couldnt't find the files! There were gone. I tried to download these files again but I didn't expect them to be there soon. But I had plenty of time searching for the old ones. Why? Disk space was gone nonetheless so the files had to be somewhere. After some simple file searches I examined the file resumeinfo.txt in the XoloX program dir. I found that for each temporary file and download the path where they are or wil be stored is saved. But not the path that's in the preferences but the one that was in the preferences when I began the download. Well, I guess you could call it some kind of feature, but I think it's just annoying! Where's the sense to specify a path when XoloX could just as well ask for each file where to save it?
I changed all the path infos in the resumeinfo.txt to meet my system configuration, but I still had to search for my downloads that were already missing. The problem was that the path specified to store the files did no longer exist so where were they then? In the temporary directory I began comparing all the temp files with those which the resumeinfo.txt specified as "in use". After about four hours of work of comparing about 200 files I finally had all my files back and properly named.
What might the XoloX team do about it? Don't save the path info in the resumeinfo.txt but read it from the preferences when the download has completed! If there's not enough memory on the drive ask the user for a different path not just saving the file under a xolox temp filename in the temp dir. At least rename it, so the user can find it.
Hope you might consider this problem in the next update.
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