October 31st, 2001
Disciple | | Join Date: October 22nd, 2001
Posts: 17
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security [a] i had been using kazaa while xolox is down [see all my other posts] and i just ran my spyware detection/deletion software. i discovered that kazaa had installed spyware ['webhancer', among others] on my computer. needless to say, kazaa and all its offensive appurtenances are no longer part of my os. then i got to thinking: if there is even one citizen of cyberia who has not been alerted to this noxious practice, then it is my duty to inform them thereof [and their duty, once they are informed, to pass the word]. 'spyware' is software that is usually snuck in along with other, more desirable software, whose sole purpose is to send back to its instigator [in this case: kazaa's owner] information about your web use [and the web use of any other sucker they con - including me for a while]. that aforementioned instigator then sells that data to any 'market analyst', et al., who will pay the price [and many will. it's that and the ads that keep kazaa's owner(s) solvent]. it's up to you to interpret which data and to what use it will be put. to me, the fact that kazaa performs such a fine song and dance denying that it is doing any such thing proves my point. if anyone out there still believes in an antiquated concept called 'ethics', they would do well to note that this performance is contrary to any form of accepted business ethics. the spyware detection/deletion software [freeware 8)] that i use is 'ad-aware 5.62' from lavasoft, which any competent piece of searchware [i use 'google' and, yes, it's freeware,too 8>] can find. then there is wiping software. if you are not familiar with the concept of 'wiping', you are riding for a fall. when you understand why you need to wipe, go to 'marathon computer press' and download 'wipe-pro+', which is [a] freeware 8) and [b] one of the best, most complete forms of wiping software around. in fact, it you don't understand wiping, download it and the easily-accessible files on its GUI will explain it all and make you a pro on the subject in one easy reading [its a lot, but it doesn't get too techy - it's time-well-spent]. [b] 'pop-up killer' [freeware 8>] has saved my sanity.
Last edited by everclear; October 31st, 2001 at 02:45 AM.