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Support: General General support discussions and announcements. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old November 1st, 2001
Join Date: October 22nd, 2001
Posts: 17
everclear is flying high
Lightbulb and by the way...

xolox does not seem to be able to support the claims users are making on it, either, judging from all the disgruntled posts 8D i hope the fabled 'xolox team' is working on a version 2.0. perhaps the xolox 'matrix' cannot handle all the automation implicit in the simplification. i dunno... just a guess.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old November 2nd, 2001
Join Date: September 26th, 2001
Location: Germany
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Sorcy is flying high

Much more obvious would of course be that people who are happy with the program are much less likely to post here...
  #3 (permalink)  
Old November 2nd, 2001
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Originally posted by Sorcy
Much more obvious would of course be that people who are happy with the program are much less likely to post here...

No problems, no posts...

  #4 (permalink)  
Old November 2nd, 2001
Join Date: October 22nd, 2001
Posts: 17
everclear is flying high
Thumbs down non-performance

and that invalidates the posts of those who do have problems? you must be a republican 8>
  #5 (permalink)  
Old November 2nd, 2001
Join Date: October 1st, 2001
Posts: 264
Iamnacho is flying high

I have had many problems with the program as well everclear, but through fixes that i have either discovered on my own, or learned by other people's posts, my xolox is running fine the majority of the time.

I would also like to add that I love this program and I understand that it is still very young, but considering what else is out on the market, I'm not complaining. And by the way, its all free, so i dont really think that you have anything major to complain about.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old November 2nd, 2001
Join Date: September 26th, 2001
Location: Germany
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Sorcy is flying high
Default Re: non-performance

and that invalidates the posts of those who do have problems? you must be a republican 8>
Not necessarily, but quite likely. If you take a close look at the common complaints, you might notice that about 50 percent are of the kind "The problem can be resolved by replacing the user".

Another 30 percent can be grouped in the "does not have the least clue about how the gnutella network works or would be better of if he only would RTFM (respectively RTFW (read the friendly webboard))" category.

Another 10 percent can be wrote of as the common "U use other program than me. Me using most perfectest program. U must be stupid. Me most rulez!" troll.

And the last 10 percent are real decent existing problems that will hopefully be solved in future releases.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old November 2nd, 2001
Join Date: October 22nd, 2001
Posts: 17
everclear is flying high
Default non-performance

one may hope so. essentially, what i'm hearing is: "if it needs fixed it'll get fixed so shut up already - can't you see that this is a fan-club, not a support forum?" don't bother replying, i'm gone, but i bear you no ill will. good luck! 8)
  #8 (permalink)  
Old November 2nd, 2001
Join Date: September 26th, 2001
Location: Germany
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Sorcy is flying high
Default Re: non-performance

essentially, what i'm hearing is: "if it needs fixed it'll get fixed so shut up already - can't you see that this is a fan-club, not a support forum?" don't bother replying, i'm gone
I'll answer anyway for others who might read this - one never knows. What you are hearing might not quite be what I was saying. There are existing problems and, as far as possible, I like to help people overcome this problems. I know that Moak and Seeker and Morgwen and many other people do the same...

But when request come in like "I do not download something, yet Xolox connects to four people already - IT IS SPYING ON ME!" it is a clear indication that the person in question has not the least bit knowledge how gnutella clients work. And also, that he is unwilling to get familiar even a little bit before yapping around.

When someone asks why Xolox will go up to 99 percent and then drop back to 60, the question would be easily answered if only they had looked. It has been answered here again and again and again. And again. And again... a clear indication that "asking and ranting is easier than trying to understand."

Don't hold it against me - but as I become older I become less willing to waste time on people unwilling to understand. Note that I'm not stating "unable to understand". I don't believe that's the case. I rather think of them as the fastfood-generation of the internet: order your question, yell if someone tells you that you could easily have found it out yourself. Make an *** of yourself, get plonked, live in eternal solitude... ah well, the ways of the young ones...
  #9 (permalink)  
Old November 2nd, 2001
Join Date: October 1st, 2001
Posts: 264
Iamnacho is flying high

amen sorcy!!
  #10 (permalink)  
Old August 8th, 2002
Join Date: August 3rd, 2002
Location: TX
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rangies is flying high
Default Re: non-performance

Originally posted by everclear
and that invalidates the posts of those who do have problems? you must be a republican 8>
...Since Al Gore invented the internet????

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