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Support: General General support discussions and announcements. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old November 4th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default permanantly queued

I have a download that is 99% of 620 MB completed. For the last two days, the download status has been queued and the buffer keeps getting bigger (seams to be increasing by 1 about every hour). I deleted some of the entries in the resumeinfo.txt yesterday which reset the buffer to zero and the status to searching. Today, it is back to queued with the ever increasing buffer. I have been trying to download this file for about a month now (it must be extremely rare), so I don't want to try to start over. Also, if I try to pause it, it says switching to pause mode and never does anything else (cannot right-click and resume even though it is not frozen). Any thoughts or solutions?

System Specs
Win98 SE
AMD 1.1GHz Athlon
256 MB RAM
Cable Modem using Blackice Defender
  #2 (permalink)  
Old November 4th, 2001
Panthera Onca
Join Date: September 7th, 2001
Location: CA
Posts: 238
The Seeker is flying high

Did the file name contain foreign or extended characters? My guess is that it's actually complete, but when XoloX peiced together all the parts it couldn't rename the file because it uses illegal characters... Check the size of the file in yoru /temp directory vs the size of the original file, if they are the same, rename the file yourself to something that works and moving it from your temp directory, or try removing any illegal characters from the local file name in your resumeinfo.txt
  #3 (permalink)  
Old November 4th, 2001
Posts: n/a

There are no illegal charachters in the file name and there are 22 segments that total 591 MB. Other files still download and pause correctly except for that one file. If I exit XoloX and restart, it goes back to queue.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old November 7th, 2001
Posts: n/a

I'm having precisely the same problem with two 400 MB+ files. Does someone know how to prceed from here & complete the download?
  #5 (permalink)  
Old November 7th, 2001
Join Date: October 1st, 2001
Posts: 264
Iamnacho is flying high

how big are your harddrives? is it possible that they are full and that this file simply can not complete. remember that xolox requires double the amount of space for each file. I run (dont laugh, im getting ready to upgrade) three 1.2 gig harddisks and must use one harddrive to store temp files and another to store them. And yes, i know this is sad, i found out that i had to do this when i was downloading a 700meg file. I have also heard that xolox has problems when a system is fragmented. have you defraged lately?
  #6 (permalink)  
Old November 12th, 2001
Posts: n/a

My HD has 9.41 GB of 15.9 GB free. Last defrag was about a month ago. I added all of the file sizes up (according to the resumeinfo.txt) and came up with 618.9 MB. This is more that the 591 MB that I had said in the earlier post (I think it was just the way windows reported the size) but I checked each segment and found that it was very close to what I had calculated. My thought was that if one of the segments was corrupt then i could possibly drop the one segment instead to the whole job. After this I was ****ed so I decided to see if cancel download worked. It did. I think it is more of problem with Xolox trying to connect to the other computer (eg. the increasing queue), but I saw nothing suspicious looking in resumeinfo.txt. I guess I'll just try it again. Thanks.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old November 12th, 2001
Join Date: October 1st, 2001
Posts: 264
Iamnacho is flying high

no problem

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