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thewingfinger November 12th, 2001 04:32 AM

Alert ::Newbie reports>>"Searching, busy 1, buffer 0"
Hello to all ...
Isn't it all so nice that the all-knowing administrators are always around to help you with your software.anyway i'm done with Audiogalaxy and wanted to try something else for a change.but it hasn't been 10 min since i downloaded xolox did i face my first problem.after double-clicking on a song it starts downloading ...but thats all it hasn't shifted from the 00% and the download status says "Searching, busy 1, buffer 0". i must add that i have a slow-modem connection and am also behind a firewall.i even shanged the download speed from 3 kbps to 2 kpbs....could someone help!!!

p.s:: is The Seeker around here the same one from "" ? in case he is, your site rocks man!!! although it does take some time to load a page.... ;)

The Seeker November 12th, 2001 05:55 AM

I'm not that Seeker. I only visit two very small IRC nets, never anything like Undernet or EFnet.

Morgwen November 12th, 2001 06:12 AM

Hi thewingfinger!

If your status says "searching" the download isn´t started yet...

The status must be "actice" than you are downloading!

The number shows you from how many hosts you are downloading or are availble!


nehardea November 12th, 2001 12:19 PM

hi thewingfinger,

first wellcome to xolox . you'll see , when it works it's a great prog

i think that to solve your problems with downloading you have to open two files in your xolox folder (temp & downloads).

i'm posting again my old thread on this subject , because it seems people can't have access to it by a here it is.
i think number 4 is what you have to do .

solution for ' filestream error-->1 , ect.

i'm sorry that you good people couldn't access the attachement for some order to satisfy all questions on this subject i'm posting it again as it was.

solution for network & filestream probs !!

At first v1.11 was great for me. as i installed v1.12,nothing seemed to began with filestream error than connection errors..

because i tried alot fileshare progs and finally fell in love with xolox,i stubbornly read all threads & forums on this subject to find a solution.

finally i acted as follows & since than xolox seems to work as before.i hope it will stay stable.

1) first i erased all files that were related to xolox from my system than defragmented all hard drives on my comp..

2)than d/l and installed xolox v1.12 , but i didn't run it.

3)i d/l hostslist.txt file from Pasman's thread on this subject , to the xolox directory(fixes connection errors).

4) i opened two files in the xolox directory(fixes filestream errors).
the first ' temp ' & the second ' downloads '.

after all that xolox runs like a race car.

except that , after i disconnect from the net & reconnect i got no more search results , though i may d/l as before from old searches . to be able to search again(after i got connected to the net)i have to shut down completely xolox and log on again , than it works as before. any solutions?

i want to thank for this Pasman , The Seeker , Moak and many great friends like them .

suggestion to the developers; the next version must be 'plug &play' if i may say.without the fuss and the bugs that are so annoying.

keep on with the good work , and thanks again.

good luck & have fun


ps.write back if it works. i need the feedback (aren't we all).

markyrwol November 12th, 2001 12:55 PM

Searching, busy 1, buffer 0

Originally posted by thewingfinger
....after double-clicking on a song it starts downloading ...but thats all it hasn't shifted from the 00% and the download status says "Searching, busy 1, buffer 0"....

"Searching" means that Xolox is looking for an identical file (same name, same size).

"Busy" means that the person you are trying to download from, is already uploading to the maximum number of people he can. When it is your turn, and he has a space available, your download will start.

"Buffer" means that Xolox has found a copy of the file you have selected for download, but has not attempted to connect to it yet.

If Xolox says, “Searching, busy 0, buffer 0” Then the person you are trying to download from has logged off. Xolox will resume downloading from them when they return.

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