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Support: General General support discussions and announcements. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old November 24th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down xolox needs very long to start up

Hey! I have a question!!
I just installed Xolox, but It still does nothing, all I see is a transparent picture of Xolox and if my mouse goes over that picture I see my mouse in busy position...?? waz'up with that?? How come it's taking so long?? Maybe because I have a network??

A dissapointed Virgo
  #2 (permalink)  
Old November 24th, 2001
Join Date: October 20th, 2001
Posts: 19
3vi1 is flying high
Default possible answer

This is just a guess, but:

Before the main window pops up, XoloX starts opening its initial connections. You really didn't give any details about the configuration of the network you're using, but if you go through a dial-up gateway, that gateway would be instantiating the connection at that point. Perhaps that's the cause (dial-up time) of your delay?

Do any other internet programs show a similar delay when you start them (or tell them to connect)? Or, if you start one program (say... a web browser) that opens internet connections, then start XoloX while that program is still up, do you see the same delay? If not, this is a real puzzler... I haven't seen the behavior you describe on any of the machines I tested XoloX on, even the slow ones.

  #3 (permalink)  
Old November 25th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Wink guess tight

Well, I have the same problem with Kazaa and Morpheus, it really takes very long to connect, also with Xolox, in the end I just shut down the programs, cause it just takes to long!!!

I have cable and a netwerk with firewall...the server connects to the internet and my pc to the server...

If I connect to a browser the internet works en Xolox still not...

It's a weird problem ha? Think it's because of my netwerk....

  #4 (permalink)  
Old November 25th, 2001
Join Date: November 25th, 2001
Posts: 1
noodlebomb is flying high

i have a very similar problem with using all file sharing programs including xolox. I can get search results, but can't initiate any real downloading. I go to university and am on a residence network. I've asked our tech support a lot about them blocking certain ports for file sharing and they are very sketchy for a real answer. I can run a Shoutcast streaming radio station that works great inside the network, but people outside can't even get the stream. Is there a program that analyses the connection, so you can tell xolox to work in a different way?
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xolox needs very long to start up-picture-22.jpg  

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