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AKA da JET December 28th, 2001 03:06 PM

Whats the best alternatives to Xolox? Are there any others with segmented downloading? Oh, and I've already tried Music City/Morpheous, and those programs are loaded with spyware, are there any others that are nice, clean, and spyware free?

markyrwol December 29th, 2001 04:20 PM

This a good place to get a working copy of Xolox.

If you are still looking for alternate share sites, “eDonkey2000” has segmented downloads, and “Direct Connect” has a large variety of files.

“eDonkey2000” has a slightly different variety of files than Xolox, and seams a little slower than Xolox to me (I mostly download video).

Some hubs on “Direct Connect” require a minimum shared, or have other rules that might be hard for some people to meet.

I still prefer Xolox to any of the other share sites I have tried, but if there is something I can’t find on Xolox, I will look for it first on eDonkey2000 or Direct Connect.

gbrayut February 13th, 2002 09:43 PM

gnucleous? not yet........

gbrayut February 13th, 2002 09:44 PM

gnucleus? not yet........
gnucleus looks promising, still has a few bugs to work out, but hey, ITS OPEN SOURCE, so it won't ever be shut down or unsupported.

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