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  #1 (permalink)  
Old September 22nd, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default Swapnut Virus

Eveyone I downloaded a file sharing program SWAPNUT and installed it and it very nicely sent an E-mail to everyone in my address book saying how good the program is and recommending it. I had no idea it did this until I got some replies back. I had already de-installed it because it was rubbish and I will have to check my system completely before I know it is clear.


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 22nd, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default Did you read the text while installing?


while you're in the installation process, it asks you if you want to send mails to your friends to tell them about swapnut. perhaps you just clicked next and next and didn't even read the information which was given to you...

so no, it's no virus.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 22nd, 2001
Posts: n/a

Yikes! didn't notice that when I tried (maybe because I don't use MS Lookout).

You're right it's not a virus - it's something FAR WORSE! It's intentional spamming! Such a feature serves NO OTHER PURPOSE. If a person WANTS to tell their friends about a program they will. What's with you guys? Trying to steal the sleezball tactic crown away from BearShare?

Note to all potential users of this application: Beware! This kind of self promotion is apt to get *you* in trouble for spamming with your ISP - and not those behind the program (since you do their dirty work).

Note to Swap Nut: I strongly urge you to rethink this very questionable practice - it's bound to stir up many negative reactions to your product.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 23rd, 2001
Posts: n/a

The original poster of this message is the perfect example of the stupid people that install things without reading terms and conditions. Before you post that things are a virus and make yourself look like a chimp, go back and read what you are actually agreeing to. SwapNut is not a virus. You just agreed to let them send an email to your email contacts.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 23rd, 2001
SwapNut Developer
Join Date: September 23rd, 2001
Posts: 2
james leasure is flying high

Good Evening,

What the above poster said is correct -- there is a function in the SwapNut configuration process where alert emails will be sent to your contact list. However, it is important to note that this is purely voluntary and permission-based.

Nevertheless, in retrospect we can see how it could be received.. poorly... by some users, and we are making a concerted effort to get a new build which addresses thes eissues out ASAP.

Thanks for your patience as we learn to navigate here


James Leasure
File Metrics, Inc. (creators of SwapNut)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old September 24th, 2001
Posts: n/a

My $0.02 are as follows:

If you are going to send an email to people's email lists, then make it very clear. I can see how some people just click on the NEXT buttons over and over and don't read what is going to happen, then get all angry when it does.

I guess there is no such thing as bad publicity when you are trying to grow, so perhaps this is what you were looking for.

Another thing is that I downloaded SwapNut last week and didn't see any of this during the install. When did you start adding the EMAIL A FRIEND type promotion to SwapNut?

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old September 24th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Angry 9 emails from someone who uninstalled it

Whatever the case of if they clicked yes to promoting to friends or not, there's still the problem of how to stop it!

one email is fine.. tolerable..

but I got 9 emails today and 5 yesterday from 1 guy.
He is upset and doesn't know how to stop it - he's already uninstalled the program.. and is begging us for his help it stop sending us emails.. I have no idea since I'm not planning on installing it to find out..

Doesn't look like he's going to get very far since I've seen no suggestions on any message board I've been to tonight.

If anyone knows any other way he can stop spamming me (without his or my permission).. please let us know.

The "I told you so's" and the "Read the Terms" isn't altogether helpful when the program is like this. He said that he's already emailed swapnut and they are not replying to his email.

Thought perhaps he should add them to his address book however since they don't seem to respond to email there would really be no point in that exercise.


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  #8 (permalink)  
Old September 24th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Angry What your email contacts will see if you click "YES" to swapnut conditions!

Subject: --==>>> PLEASE READ! <<<==--

One of the finer pleasures in life? Probably not. But I think it is pretty darned cool.
I just downloaded SwapNut and am now able to download any kind of file type that I want.
If you thought Napster used to be good, wait until you check this one out.
Go to and get it right now. The software can connect us to each other.
Take care.

Subject: Do me a favor and get this application

Hey you,

I know that 'SwapNut' sounds like some kind of twisted porno, but seriously,
I just downloaded it and it's one of the best file sharing apps available.

If you liked Napster, wait until you check this one out. I got it from today.

Let's help build this network up -- the more people there are using it,
the more files there are available.

Take care.

Subject: I'm forwarding this to my contacts

SwapNut rules! I just installed it and it rocks. Get your copy at and start sharing your audio, video and other files
with millions of people on this network. I am!

Click over to the site, then click on the "Download" link and download it.
This will take you to the page where you just click on the
"Download Now" link, and then a window will come up and select
"Run this program from it's current location." The program will download
and install from there.


Subject: Hey buddy -- just downloaded a copy myself. You do the same.


Subject: Forward this to your friends, please

Napster vs. SwapNut... hmmmm, you decide. Check out SwapNut at

I just downloaded my copy, so you do the same. Click over to the site,
then click on the "Download" link and download it. This will take you
to the page where you just click on the "Download Now" link,
and then a window will come up and select
"Run this program from it's current location." The program will download
and install from there.

Take care.

Subject: I can find everything with this

Has the best music sharing website been shut down? Nope:
Click over to the site, then click on the "Download" link and download it.
This will take you to the page where you just click on the
"Download Now" link, and then a window will come up and select
"Run this program from it's current location." The program will download
and install from there.

Subject: please read!

How's it going? I just wanted to drop you this note to tell you about There's a program there I just downloaded called SwapNut
that is similar to how Napster was, except you can download video files
and anything else you want. I got it, so you go get it right now too.
Click the link.

See ya!

Subject: --==>>> PLEASE READ! <<<==--

I just downloaded it and so should you. I would explain it but you can read
all about it at the site. Allows you to download pretty much any file type.

Have fun!

Subject: I have some good news

What's up? Hey, I just wanted to tell you about a cool new program
that came out called SwapNut. I just downloaded it and you can get it too at It's sort of like Napster only with this you can download
other file types besides music. Go get it and we can swap files.

Click over to the site, then click on the "Download" link and download it.
This will take you to the page where you just click on the
"Download Now" link, and then a window will come up and select
"Run this program from it's current location." The program will download
and install from there.

Take care.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old September 25th, 2001
Posts: n/a

HAHA. Those are some funny emails. Smart people.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old September 25th, 2001
Dragon's Avatar
Dragon Watch
Join Date: June 3rd, 2001
Location: San Franciscco
Posts: 17
Dragon is flying high

This is just a guess, but look in your Windows/system folder for a program called fsg.exe. I don't know what it does, but I do know that it doesn't belong there. Remove and see if that stops the email generation.
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