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  #1 (permalink)  
Old September 23rd, 2001
SwapNut Developer
Join Date: September 23rd, 2001
Posts: 2
james leasure is flying high
Default SwapNut is *not* a Virus

Despite claims that may be floating around. Please make a note of it.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 24th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Angry What your email contacts will see if you click "YES" to swapnut conditions!

What your email contacts will see if you click "YES" to swapnut conditions!

Emails... for those who are wondering whether they should click
YES to promoting to their friends.

This is wrong ok? The installers of this program DO NOT know
these are being sent to all these contacts until their contacts
complain to them (what happens if they complain to the ISP

These emails were sent to me in the past 48 hours.. apparantly
AFTER the person had already uninstalled Swapnut.

They are being sent to just one of my email addresses, so it's
not because he has multiple email addresses of me or anything.

Subject: --==>>> PLEASE READ! <<<==--

One of the finer pleasures in life? Probably not. But I think it is pretty darned cool.
I just downloaded SwapNut and am now able to download any kind of file type that I want.
If you thought Napster used to be good, wait until you check this one out.
Go to and get it right now. The software can connect us to each other.
Take care.

Subject: Do me a favor and get this application

Hey you,

I know that 'SwapNut' sounds like some kind of twisted porno, but seriously,
I just downloaded it and it's one of the best file sharing apps available.

If you liked Napster, wait until you check this one out. I got it from today.

Let's help build this network up -- the more people there are using it,
the more files there are available.

Take care.

Subject: I'm forwarding this to my contacts

SwapNut rules! I just installed it and it rocks. Get your copy at and start sharing your audio, video and other files
with millions of people on this network. I am!

Click over to the site, then click on the "Download" link and download it.
This will take you to the page where you just click on the
"Download Now" link, and then a window will come up and select
"Run this program from it's current location." The program will download
and install from there.


Subject: Hey buddy -- just downloaded a copy myself. You do the same.


Subject: Forward this to your friends, please

Napster vs. SwapNut... hmmmm, you decide. Check out SwapNut at

I just downloaded my copy, so you do the same. Click over to the site,
then click on the "Download" link and download it. This will take you
to the page where you just click on the "Download Now" link,
and then a window will come up and select
"Run this program from it's current location." The program will download
and install from there.

Take care.

Subject: I can find everything with this

Has the best music sharing website been shut down? Nope:
Click over to the site, then click on the "Download" link and download it.
This will take you to the page where you just click on the
"Download Now" link, and then a window will come up and select
"Run this program from it's current location." The program will download
and install from there.

Subject: please read!

How's it going? I just wanted to drop you this note to tell you about There's a program there I just downloaded called SwapNut
that is similar to how Napster was, except you can download video files
and anything else you want. I got it, so you go get it right now too.
Click the link.

See ya!

Subject: --==>>> PLEASE READ! <<<==--

I just downloaded it and so should you. I would explain it but you can read
all about it at the site. Allows you to download pretty much any file type.

Have fun!

Subject: I have some good news

What's up? Hey, I just wanted to tell you about a cool new program
that came out called SwapNut. I just downloaded it and you can get it too at It's sort of like Napster only with this you can download
other file types besides music. Go get it and we can swap files.

Click over to the site, then click on the "Download" link and download it.
This will take you to the page where you just click on the
"Download Now" link, and then a window will come up and select
"Run this program from it's current location." The program will download
and install from there.

Take care.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 24th, 2001
Posts: n/a

I've been getting the same messages, and the problem is that the person that is sending me these things said that when she was installing the application she selected NO when asked about sending promotions to their friends.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 24th, 2001
SRL SRL is offline
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Join Date: March 24th, 2001
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SRL is flying high

I agree, it's not a virus - it's a trojan!

While their marketing may be "viral" It doesn't actually spread itself to other computers (maybe that's for the next version ;-)

Anyone bothered by these emails should send a complaint (with the original message and its headers) to's hosting provider which seems to be...

(at least they own the netblock). I bet their TOS has provisions against promoting sites via UCE (and make no mistake - this *is* UCE since the person getting the email didn't ask for it).

Last edited by SRL; September 24th, 2001 at 06:33 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 25th, 2001
Posts: n/a

Although I may (or may not) agree with how they do things, I just want to say....

You guys are morons. It's neither a virus nor a trojan. In fact, it is permission based, regardless of how it id disguised. If a person is stupid enough to install something and just wisk through the steps and agree to the terms without reading them, they deserve what they get. And if you disagree, go look up the definitions as well as applicable laws.

And you don't go blaming a car manufacturer if a person plants a car bomb and uses it for ill purposes, so quit blaming SwapNut for receiving email from people who 'wanted to let others in their contact list know about it.' Go yell at the people who sent you the email. They are the ones that are controlling SwapNut, not the other way around.

The mentality of people online is mind boggling. It's no wonder SwapNut had to remove all the advanced features from their program, as we live in a world of 'dumb' people.

I get frustrated reading about people whining and bitching all the time and making them selves look like horses asses the whole time.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old September 25th, 2001
SRL SRL is offline
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SRL is flying high
Thumbs down

"Permission based" my ***. SwapNut, was self-admittedly designed for *novice* users, and any user is apt not to realize "Notify my friends" really means "Repeatedly spam everyone in my address book until they complain to my ISP". Also the message were written so as to appear as the user's own endorsement and not the company's. That's outright fraudulent!

It should, at the very minimum, have done the following...

1) Listed each person it was going to send mail to individually (and let the user confirm each one)
2) Show the full text of the message it was going to send and allow changes (no putting words in people's mouths).
3) Only send the message *once* to each person (which *should* go without saying).

Most people who "agree" to this feature probably have no idea what they're in for. After all, what sane person would want this? It's a feature seemingly designed only to take advantage of people, and that qualifies as a Trojan in my book. Now, Mr. unregistered, go back and tell your bosses we don't buy it.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old September 25th, 2001
Posts: n/a

SRL, obviously YOU don't read things either. The world is full of 'em and you are one of 'em (you know what 'em is.) SIGH

#2 and #3 ARE in there, goofy. And your idea for #1 is a decent one, I'll give you that.

Research before you post and make an *** of yourself.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old September 26th, 2001
SRL SRL is offline
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SRL is flying high

If 2 and 3 are in there then please explain why people are getting *repeated* messages from the same person with different glowing messages about how SwapNut will save all the starving children and make your dog stop smelling. Maybe it's a mistake? Could it just be that poorly written? If so, my God, LimeWire sold them the codebase - all they had to do was the installer and they screw even that up?

If you want to trust such a program be my guest, but don't expect anyone else to fall for it. Still Mr. Unregistered, why support such a client at all? You aren't one of the (and I use the term loosely) "developers" posing as a user by any chance?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old September 27th, 2001
Posts: n/a

Mr Smart Pants (SRL),

#2 shows a sample email message and has nothing to do with people getting multiple emails, so I don't know what the hell you are spewing.

And as for #3 (multiple emails) I don't know what to tell you. I have received an email from a person, but only one such email. I did not select the option to send to my contact list, so my PC sent no such emails.

Perhaps your bonehead family keeps uninstalling and installing SwapNut and keep checking the YES button. And quite frankly, I do not care.

And your infantile tactic on trying to find out who I am isn't going to work. D'uh!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old September 27th, 2001
SRL SRL is offline
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Join Date: March 24th, 2001
Posts: 144
SRL is flying high

Read the posts! People are getting spammed repeatedly by multiple emails from people. The message text seems to be different each time - are you telling me it confirms each and every one of those texts before sending them? Perhaps you're lucky enough not to be caught by this, but that doesn't mean it's not happening. Blaming the users for what's more likely a software bug is hardly fair - most claimed to have uninstalled the program.

And finally, I don't care who you are, but I do care if you're a SwapNut developer trying to pass themselves off as a regular user.

P.S. If you didn't select the "notify my friends" option and you're not a developer, then how do you know what it asks? Get your story straight at least.

Last edited by SRL; September 27th, 2001 at 09:31 AM.
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