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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 14th, 2013
Join Date: January 14th, 2008
Location: Malta (EU)
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Default Creating icons on Windows 8 desktop

How to create a icons on desktop for My Computer, My Documents in Windows 8 please?

I came across the following method somewhere but it does not work for me:

1. Go to Desktop
2. Click the File Explorer icon
3. From the file explorer menu you can access MyComputer, My Documents.

My comment: So far, so good, but it does not tell you how to create an icon on desktop for these applications (or are they called programs? Am not sure because I am a Windows 8 dummy at age 75...)

Please help as I am dizzy with trying to master this blessed Windows 8!

Many thks.

Joe Busuttil

P.S. Is there perhaps an easy-to-follow guide to Windows 8 for dummies that I can purchase?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 14th, 2013
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For Windows 8 it is probably best to use the Send to option.

Right-click the program or folder and choose Send To: Desktop (create shortcut).

Creating icons on Windows 8 desktop-win-8-shortcuts.gif

For Windows 8 for applications, go to the Start, select the program, right-cllick & choose Open the location. Then right-cllick and choose Send To in identical fashion to above.

BTW for Windows 8 I've done this for several folders including normally hidden folders or utility programs. Windows 8 is not so easy to navigate around if you need to go under the dashboard often to do various things. Win 8 is also highly permissions based and means I need to change perms for folders & then restart Windows before some of the changes show.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 15th, 2013
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Many thks indeed for your prompt and expert help. You will be pleased to know that yr first option "Send to" etc worked beautifully.
Sorry, I did not reply earlier to thank, but by now surely you are aware what a slowcoach I am!

Joe Busuttil
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old August 16th, 2013
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Default Windows 8 vs PC Tablet (running Android Jelly Bean)

Hi Joe (and LOTR)

You know, as a retired man I don't want or have to go through re-learning windows and all the other associated brain aching activities that goes with it.

I intend to get myself a cheap Android Tablet, around about the £200.00 range, so that I can watch TV or films when I want to without having to switch on my main TV or PC.

Plus, I am sick of the constant churn of hard and software associated with windows.

UK Bob

Last edited by ukbobboy01; August 16th, 2013 at 08:36 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old August 16th, 2013
Join Date: January 14th, 2008
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Joe Busuttil has a spectacular aura about

Thks for your reply. I respect yr opinions, even though I disagree.

As an old-age pensioner I am scared of giving up learning something new lest I fall into depression from feeling that I am now on the scrapheap of society.

I am a slowcoach, yes, and finding it hard to cope with all that's new and that's coming our way constantly and steadily from the fresh discoveries and inventions that seem like an everyday occurrence.

I wish you well and thanks again for taking the time to write to me.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old August 17th, 2013
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Default The PC as a Learning Tool

Hi Joe

You know, I used to believe that it was my duty to learn all I could about the PC and it's usefulness. And to a certain extent I did, except I found that I could never learn it all because software makers would introduce upgrades that caused more problems than they solved, e.g. introducing new bugs and hiding previously available useful features, e.g. Start Button on Win8.0.

As I gained more experience, I found that software makers, after a certain time, stopped caring about what happened when they released a new version of their their application (you know what happened to Firefox). They cared more about releasing their product to a timetable rather than whether it worked or not.

So, to counteract all this nonsense I decided to stick with the stuff that works and brings real benefits to me and my family instead taking part in boosting the ITs industry's bottom line.

UK Bob

PS. Mind you, one of the reasons I fell in love with the PC was because of its' flexibility, you were never stuck with only one solution for a problem, it allowed the ordinary guy to be creative, it opened up new ways of doing things and, above all, it enabled people from all over the world to communicate and exchange ideas.

I also believe that the PC and Internet are the greatest developments since the invention of the wheel.

Last edited by ukbobboy01; August 17th, 2013 at 10:18 AM. Reason: Inserting PS comments
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