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  #1 (permalink)  
Old April 5th, 2024
Join Date: January 14th, 2008
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Default Shortcut in Windows 10

Is there an easy way to disable shortcuts PERMANENTLY in Windows 10? I don't need shortcuts as they often vanish together with all their files. Have tried to restore the files from the recycle bin, the control panel, the file explorer, etc ,but still I could not find the files of the deleted shortcut.
(The recycle bin sometimes shows the word RESTORE, but only very RARELY).
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old April 5th, 2024
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Some application installers force the installation of shortcuts. But the average program will give an option to install or not to install any kind of shortcut. Need to keep both your eyes and mind active about the program installer options before pressing that 'continue' button to proceed with the installation.

Are you referring to folder shorcuts or program shortcuts?

Windows 10 has a few methods to use in regards to opening a program. Perhaps the Desktop method of opening a program does not suit you.
I am guessing if instead you used alternative methods away from the Desktop to open programs and folders then this might solve this long term problem you have with shortcuts. Your reliance on using the Desktop appears to be your problem when you do not fully understand how to use it faultlessly.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old April 5th, 2024
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Default Shortcuts in Windows 10

Thank you for usual prompt reply to come to my assistance.
Windows 10 has a habit of creating shortcuts when I do not need them, e.g. I have the following shortcut on my pc: the Control Panel icon.
There is a very real risk that if i try to open this icon, all the information in it will vanish forever.

To deactivate the shortcut option permanently, can you, please, suggest a method how it's done?

Renewed thanks.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2024
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Originally Posted by Joe Busuttil View Post
... Windows 10 has a habit of creating shortcuts when I do not need them, e.g. I have the following shortcut on my pc: the Control Panel icon.
There is a very real risk that if i try to open this icon, all the information in it will vanish forever.

To deactivate the shortcut option permanently, can you, please, suggest a method how it's done?...
I appear to have somehow achieved this in the past for Windows 10 including a couple of other Windows apps, but it was a long time ago and cannot recall how I did it.

After a web-search I found this answer:

Shortcut in Windows 10-desktop-right-click.png . . . Shortcut in Windows 10-desktop-personalisation.png . . . Shortcut in Windows 10-destop-personal-related-settings.png . . . Shortcut in Windows 10-hide-control-panel-desktop.png
(click thumbnail image to see larger view)

Step 1.
Right-Click on the Desktop and Choose Personalize.

Step 2.
On the Personalize Menu choose Themes on the left-hand sidebar.

Step 3.
On the right-hand pane click on Desktop Icon Settings under Related Settings (might need to scroll down the right-hand side pane to find it.)

Step 4.
Remove a tick in the checkbox for either or both Computer, and or User’s Files, Control Panel and or Network. Depending on which you wish to hide from Desktop.

Step 5.
Click on Apply and then Ok.

You can obviously reverse this by re-checking whichever checkbox you wish to return to Desktop.

I am at heart a Mac OS user. So if this does not fix your issue then someone else would be more appropriate.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2024
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Default Shortcuts headache

Many thanks, as usual, for your unstinted help.
I have followed your tip, and i found the images you attached very helpful.
However, i got stuck when I came to (Quote your wording) "Click on Edit and change the permission to deny for the users." (Unquote).

I do not understand how to make this step. Am attaching the image I obtained when I hit EDIt, but what is the next step?

My aim is to deactivate the shortcut option permanently from my pc, as I can never find the files that are invariably lost when any shortcut is deleted. Shortcut in Windows 10-screenshot-1674-.png

Sorry, cannot send attachment:- Modern technology tribulations !!!

Best regards and goodnight.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old April 7th, 2024
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Originally Posted by Joe Busuttil View Post
... i got stuck when I came to (Quote your wording) "Click on Edit and change the permission to deny for the users." (Unquote)....
Where do I say that?
That is not one of the steps I suggested. Also, the attachment you show of permissions is not one of the steps I suggested.

You need to find the Desktop Icon Settings as described. The only change you make (as far as I know) is to uncheck the checkbox in the top section as shown in Step 4. Keep in mind Step 3 refers to the Right-hand side.
I admit I did not follow through and test the process but believe it is the same process I used many years ago.
I'll be away for a couple of weeks starting today so I will not be able to respond until I return. I would not be able to test these things on my Win 10 until then.

The steps I show HIDE the Control Panel (and other items) from the Desktop. After that it should not cause you shortcut confusion.
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