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jovial September 29th, 2004 08:30 AM

Browsing a friend's "Shared Files" with Limewire Pro

My friend and I both have Limewire Pro.

Is it possible for me to browse her shared files over the network?

How would I do that?

I've searched the help files and not been able to find anything about it.

Christopher Roman

Lord of the Rings September 29th, 2004 10:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm not the best one to answer this, but you can type your friend's IP into the Connections window. Alternatively, you can use the LW beta's Direct Search option (You will find the LW beta 4.1.5 at the bottom of your personal dwnld page if you're a pro user.) Obviously this option will be available in LW 4.2 when it gets here if you'd prefer to wait. Otherwise if you know at least some files they use, you can search for those & see if you can locate their ip on your search results.
When you say network I presume you mean Gnutella netwk. If you mean connected on the same netwking (eg: a company netwk then you should get a very good connection; possibly Blue bar quality.)
Below is the beta's direct connect search option:

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