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GRANDMASTER October 30th, 2004 02:41 PM

windows 98se
hay ppl got nothink 2 do with limewire but i have been on the net 4 days look 4 help with a problem i have so i thought id ask limewire user if they new

i have a orginal copy of windows 98se but the disc is getting a bit bash around and picking up scratchers so i have copyed all the files to my hard drive.when i whent to burn it of onto a new disc i select make boot disc then my software ask me to select the boot file in win98 and i cant seem to find a boot.exe or file or any other file with a boot record on does any1 know wich file i sould select so i can make a new copy of wind,
i did just burn it of to c would it find it self but i get a msg none operating disc or plz insert a bootable disc any 1 got a clue..

lord of the rings c how i wrote that like id say that i got it of lime wire pmsl i know this bit will get moved ..

plz plz plz help i have lost about 20 cd r disc trying to creat a new windows 98 disc , i ask u say why is he using 98 when xp is out i have xp on this pc but i have a few pc and the pc i use for limewire downloads and uploads only has 98 and i need to install 98 back onto it to get wow i go on and on bla ba bla :confused:

RaaF October 30th, 2004 03:01 PM

As far as I remember Win98 disks are not bootable.
You need to boot from a win98 floppy and start install from that.
Once you booted up in DOS you can always point to run the setup.exe from the Win98 files copyed on your HD.
And as far as copying is concerned, just use CD copy in your burner software.
In case of a damaged original as you have, most burning software give you the option to first write a immage to your HD and use that immage to copy your disk.

Lord of the Rings October 30th, 2004 03:11 PM

If you have a cd cleaning kit, it could be worth giving it a spray & wipe. CD's that have been laying around for a while or have light scratches or finger prints & greeose, can often be improved by cleaning that muck off including fine loose elements from a scratch of the disk itself.

RaaF October 30th, 2004 03:17 PM

Yeah a good clean is always usefull before copying.
And you could even try to polish the scratches out with a mild carpolish.
But if you want to try that do a test first on a useless CD !!

GRANDMASTER October 30th, 2004 04:49 PM

thanks my bad waste of time i all ready knew that i forgot silly me, going to be silly agen can i copy the win boot disk to a cd or does it have 2 be a floppy.if it is a floppy god dame i dont have any looks like a trip to a shop that still sells them if they do

RaaF October 31st, 2004 02:03 PM

You can create a bootable CD from the bootable floppy.
But I doubt that Win98 can be persuaded to write the Win98 bootdisk files to HD instead of floppy.
So it's off to the shop.....

Oh my..... those bad Win98 memories are coming back.........
Like you had a driver on your harddrive and Win98 would only want to install one from a floppy.......
I suspect Bill G. owned a floppy factory.

ursula October 31st, 2004 02:07 PM

At least everyone here has had the good taste to not mention Windows ME

Oooops !

RaaF October 31st, 2004 02:13 PM

Well actually for me WinMe was sort of working well.
Never looked back offcourse when I finally installed Win2K but compared to 98, Me was a improvement.

ursula November 1st, 2004 03:42 PM

Hey, RaaF...

Ever noticed how difficult it is to explain to XP users that there is a fantastic upgrade available from M$ that solves all the problems with XP ???

Of course, I mean the removal of XP and the installation of Windows 2000 Professional !!!

Ha Ha Ha all you XP loonies !!!

Of course, Billie and the Dudes don't exactly make it easy to remove XP and replace it with a superior vintage product !


RaaF November 2nd, 2004 09:21 AM

Ah well XP.......
I had the intention of using it as my primary OS over 2K
I even thought I had it under controll .
Had it looking normal, had it sort of behaving normall......not doing things by itself I never asked it to do....
Went for the SP2 and that's where it all went wrong.
After the installation of SP2 my comp went into a bootloop... starting up shutting down, and so on. :rolleyes:
Tried all the fixes even completely disableled the buffer overflow thingy.
To no avail.
XP suggests I have bad RAM.... :rolleyes:

Went back to a date before SP2 with system restore.
But the dammage is done, XP is instable it freezes when I run a few things at the same time.
(wich ideed looks like having bad ram)

BUT Win2K is running like a charm on the same computer with the same RAM.
I have Phex running, I download from, and browse newsgroups.
Browse the www with Firefox.
Listen to music or watch Video and all at the same time.
No problems at all with Win2K !! :D

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