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mean November 26th, 2004 11:05 AM

im tryin 2 copy ma songs off of limewire on to a cd using windows media player and when i import my files all ma songs are never there i mean there on limewire but when i import them into windows media player there's always a few missing usualy tha newest downloads what should i do?

arne_bab November 26th, 2004 01:50 PM

First off I'd suggest using iTunes ( ) and kicking MediaPlayer (when you can blame someone, try to blame M$ first :-) ).

How long did you wait, after the downloads completed?
LimeWire needs to verify files, before putting them into the download folder, so that you get, when you decided to download.

Besides: I'm no native English speaker, so your netspeech isn't that easy to understand. Could you try using common style?

arne_bab November 26th, 2004 01:52 PM

Besides: you are in the wrong board here. You mght get more sensible answers in the LimeWire-board. This one is dedicated to the developement of the Gnutella Network, not to LimeWire in special .

Morgwen November 26th, 2004 05:04 PM


Originally posted by arne_bab
First off I'd suggest using iTunes
Bah... Mac user. :)

Try winamp:


arne_bab November 27th, 2004 03:40 AM


Originally posted by Morgwen
Bah... Mac user. :)
But Windows-User and Mac-User united in knowing, that WMP is bad. That quite something Microsoft accomplished here :)

ursula November 27th, 2004 10:09 AM

You guys may be completely missing the point of mean, here...

It is not stated that WMP won't play some files...

The problem is in importing files... Very different.

And, mean placed this post far more accurately than most do as this post is about file management and playing... Both subjects that are outside the specific LimeWire forums here.

A great deal more useful questions would be to ask...
What Windows version ?
What WMP version ?
What level of experience/practice might mean have in moving and copying files and folders ?

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