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RaaF January 2nd, 2005 06:17 AM

What you should know about WMA Files
Be verry carefull when downloading WMA files.

LimeWireDownloader February 2nd, 2005 12:24 PM

Thanks for the heads up, that's an informational article.

ukbobboy01 February 21st, 2005 05:40 AM

WMA and/or WMV files
Dear All

My very first lesson about WMV and WMA files happened while using LW, I learned that you should always run your anti-virus and anti-spyware software over them before launching and never, ever, play them while connected to the internet. Remember, these files cannot download anything or bombard you with pop-ups unless they have an internet connection.

Two more things, if while trying to launch a WMV or WMA file it insists on an internet connection then delete it; the connection it is trying to make is not designed to help you. And finally, after playing one of these files successfully, run your anti-spyware software again, just as an added precaution.

UK Bob

nemisis March 12th, 2005 11:17 AM

thanks for the warning i usually only download avi or mpg files but i'll remember this for the future

wfdrouinjr March 30th, 2005 10:01 PM

thanks for the heads up....
did anyone notice the related artical Protect Yourself From Audio Adware
it seems this kind of junk is not that hard to beat though i havn't incountered this problem myself. i do dl and use windows media... now i'm prepared (i hope).


and never, ever, play them while connected to the internet.
i have downloaded some wmv's that seem to use the license acquisition window in a legitimate manner so i'm not sure disconnecting is the answer for everyone especially if it costs us our ultrapeer status (i'll get there someday!!) everytime we want to hear/view a file.

still...i'd hate to see our network get choked up with yet more trash

pokernut6231 April 1st, 2005 05:09 AM

wmv and adware!!!!!!!!!!
well i learned my lesson NO MORE WMV FILES after i downloaded a couple and tried to play them my virus software went berserk all trojans and a hijacker... all the viruses were found in the system volume information and then lo and behold later i noticed a new user on my user account's on window's XP which i qiuckly deleted...

aznjewele April 5th, 2005 08:01 PM

wma files & limewire player
i'm totally clueless when it comes to viruses & stuff

so i tried to play some wma files i downloaded w/ limewire's player, but it wasnt working, so i copied them to musicmatch jukebox & they worked just fine, but i dont know if i have any anti-spyware/virus protection thingies....(let alone how to use them) it possible that i've wrecked my computer?

btw, what's adware?

aznjewele April 5th, 2005 08:22 PM

wmv(a) does that mean i'm sposed to do?

hey lol did u get ur signature from the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy series? (i forgot which book, i think like 4th or 5th)

wfdrouinjr April 9th, 2005 10:13 PM

ANYbody who does ANYthing on the net needs to learn a few things about security, or a least have some sort of system administrator to worry about it for you (an admin will insist on you following a few rules anyway).
this is even more true when you are sharing files. when u share on a Peer2peer network u have no assurance that ANY file is what it claims to be, and u have no idea where the file came from. please dont get me wrong i love gnutella/limewire and i couldn't live w/o it (well almost) but....personally i don't use the LW player and i never open/use any shared (d/l) file until i have scanned it w/my AV.
if u bought ur system w/prepackaged software u probably have an AV already and maybe even a software firewall, learn how to use em and MAKE SURE U UPDATEUPDATEUPDATE.
if ur not protected do a google search for ZoneAlarm (the basic version is free) and AVGfree by GRISOFT (it is too) and join the AVG forum, the sticky threads will give u excellent advice about what else to get (MORE FREE STUFF). u will end up with as tight a system as any reasonable dollar figure can get u... but no software can save u if u dont LEARN it and USE it
someday...someday soon...'''dreaming of links in his sig'''...

alan.fairhurst April 11th, 2005 08:01 PM

Talking about adware...
Talking about adware... shortly after installing LimeWire and downloading for awhile I ran my adware/spykiller program and found some LimeWire adware. I deleted it and guess what? I lost Limewire Pro. It meant having to reinstall it.

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