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  #11 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2005
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you shouldent convert them at all , or if you do ,please dont share them on p2p.

converting ANY lossy format to any other lossy format just degrades the qualety.

if your downloding m4as ,chances are they were allredy made from mp3s in the first place, thus making the supiriority of m4a non-existant.

m4a is so new i think until it gets real popular you should stick with 320k mp3s. when you downloading just go for the high bitrate (320,256,224)mp3s insted of the 128k m4a.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old July 13th, 2005
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There's definitely some people who convert lossy formats to others. Be it mp3 to m4a, or mp3 to wma or vice versas. The risk is there whether you downld mp3, wma or m4a. Personally I generally encode with m4a at high bit rates.

If you see an m4a file with a higher than 320 kpbs bit rate then chances are it's an apple lossless file. Apple lossless is equivalent to FLAC & APE in the respect it is smaller than WAV or AIFF but still the "identical" quality. Lossless audio is generally around 50-60% the size of wav & aiff, though can get smaller than 30% in my experience (depending on the sound.)
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old July 13th, 2005
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Okay, guys (or gals), I get what you are saying but no one is really answering my question. Can you convert m4a files to mp3 or wma by using nero or other compatible players and if so, how? I'll worry about the sound quality and make my own opinion, thank you very much. I just want to know if it can be done, that's all.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old July 13th, 2005
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iTunes can convert M4A (or rather AAC) to MP3, AIFF, WAV, Apple Lossless and vice versa in all directions. The Windows Version can also convert unprotected WMAs to the mentioned formats (but not vice versa).


i herd that m4a/mp4 is an riaa scam
im just repeating what sombody told me


m4a is so new

Yeah, only >5 years.

Next time verify your sources!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old July 14th, 2005
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im a WAV man....i honestley dont give an atomic**** about m4a

WAV is the highest qualety sound file possibul (aiff for mac) on a computer. and thats why i like it so much.

iTunes can convert M4A (or rather AAC) to MP3, AIFF, WAV, Apple Lossless and vice versa in all directions.
i know i say this all the time but i feel i need to say it agen , NEVER CONVERT A LOSSY FORMAT TO A LOSSLESS FORMAT ,its pointless,waists space,time, bandwidth, and if its shared ,it makes people looking for lossless files (me) hunt for the real lossless files amung all the converted crap.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old July 14th, 2005
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CRT why are you only a wav person? What about apple lossless, FLAC & APE formats? They're identical in quality. It's like a file that's been zipped. Once unzipped it's the identical to what it was. And even when played back in its compressed state is such TMK.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old July 14th, 2005
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i do like flac ,ape , WMAlossless and applelossless , and im shur they do sound perfect too but wav is ,hmmmm im not shur on that one actualy.... well it rips from and burns to cd faster than anything els because thers no convershion, and i can keep all my wav master files and convert them to wichever format is hot at the time and it was the first lossless format i ever knew about so i just dont want to give it up (kind of like why i cant get rid of my old NES even tho thers better things out there )and the rest is phsycalogical maybe....

im all for other lossless formats ,but for some strange reson wav is my format of choce. maybe its cuz i dont know much about how flac etc actualy works, i know every thing about how wav works , its just the raw pcm .

thers people who like ford or chevy for no aparent reson....i guss i like wav files for no reson.

i reely dont know why i like them so much....
i allsow dont know why i collect junk, or still play with legos at age 16, or why i allways shake cans befor i open them...your guss is as good as mine :\
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old July 15th, 2005
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Originally posted by cathodraytube
im a WAV man....i honestley dont give an atomic**** about m4a

WAV is the highest qualety sound file possibul (aiff for mac) on a computer. and thats why i like it so much.

i know i say this all the time but i feel i need to say it agen , NEVER CONVERT A LOSSY FORMAT TO A LOSSLESS FORMAT ,its pointless,waists space,time, bandwidth, and if its shared ,it makes people looking for lossless files (me) hunt for the real lossless files amung all the converted crap.
That's cool, just like music, sound quality is a matter of personal preference and PERCEPTION! What may sound shitty to you, may be acceptable to me and vice versa, but I could give a fat baby's *** about making things easier for you to find. Appreciate the info, but I just would like to make my own judgement....
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old July 15th, 2005
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"but I could give a fat baby's *** about making things easier for you to find. "

and thats the attidude that most people have....

and thats why there is so much crap on the networks.

"Appreciate the info, but I just would like to make my own judgement...."

i was just stating my opinion. not trying to make you use wav files. you can use your own judgment all you want and use wuatever formatt best sutes your needs, its none of my business nor do i want it to ever be my business.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old July 15th, 2005
Atti Dude
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I'm sure if you name your files, nobody has a chance to find them anyway.
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