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Sayer September 5th, 2005 06:08 AM

PLz help a newbie
i have lw basic and im just normally downloading 1-10 kbps i dunno why and i have dsl broadband.
One more i normally have 5 uploads and 10 are waiting,
but one time for about 2 days i got 10 uploads and 10 are waiting and i got 50 kpbs.
plz i need help.. i just wonna know how to get my downloads english isnt very well...sry

et voilà September 5th, 2005 06:47 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Salut Sayer, what's your language? ;)

First, let me say to you that you have to lower your upload bandwith to 75-90% of your max upload speed. If you got 50 KB/s, you should limit upload speed to 40-45KB/s. This will faster your downloads and internet broswing.

I personnally never allow more than one upload at a time for one person to avoid abuse and I give 5KB/s to each upload slot (40/5 = 8 slots in your case).

Here is how you should configure the LW upload options (if you are using LimeWire, that is):

asdfgh1224 September 5th, 2005 07:31 AM

Also disabling your firewall would help

Si usted tiene las ventanas XP y SP2 ir al panel del start>control van al centro de la seguridad chascan encendido ventanas que el cortafuego en el fondo entonces le da vuelta apagado entonces después de su alambre hecho de la cal puesto en el cortafuego

[edit]opppsss espanel

If you have Windows XP and SP2 go to start>control panel go to security to center click on Windows firewall AT the bottom then turn it off then to after your done limewire put on the firewall

Sayer September 5th, 2005 08:10 AM

hi guys thanks u for answers...i speak german :D
i have done al what u said, but my lw still is downloading very slow(1-5 kbps)
are there other ways to increase download speed? :(
whats normal dl-speed for a comp with dsl broadband/windox 50 kpbs or?

et voilà September 5th, 2005 08:35 AM

Oh. I see you are using the Chello ISP. They limit Gnutella bandwicth :rolleyes: The only way to pass through is to use a port over 10000 (well try 10000) go in options -> Advanced -> Firewall.

Bonne chance

Sayer September 5th, 2005 11:11 AM

im hopeless:(
i had try with 10000 and 11000 just +2kbps more ....... u got other ides?....sry for making u lots of trouble

Sayer September 7th, 2005 06:25 AM

no other ides guys?:(

Lord of the Rings September 7th, 2005 08:20 AM

A. Change isp provider. B. Use a proxy; A Fix for those whose ISP's block Limewire pages 1 - 3 which has a link to alternative instructions.

Else just try your hardest with what you have; see the following link & follow “ALL” the off-shoot links to find hints & extra skills to help solve your problem: To continue files downlding (click on link)

Here's an example of how a p2p bandwidth shaper can work: Bandwidth Shaper Sample - typical of how some ISP's use it (click on link) ie: giving priority to net surfing & low priorities to Gnutella p2p sharing.

Sayer September 7th, 2005 10:37 AM

change isp provider?? whats that ? and how change? sry im not very intelligent in these things, but i have tried
B. i tried some proxys but lw doesnt connect anymore if i do proxy, perhaphs i didnt changed isp providor
,,providor?,, i siad my eng isnt very well

Lord of the Rings September 7th, 2005 10:59 AM

ISP = internet service provider

I mean if one you're using is filtering your bandwidth for p2p sharing, then perhaps they don't deserve your service. I guess it depends upon what other options you have in your area.

Proxys are very difficult to set up. It means you may need to try many proxies before you find one that works. That was relayed to me by Neoteric who started that thread link I gave. There's also different types of Proxies.

Sayer September 7th, 2005 11:53 AM

k then im trying more proxis or?
oh other thing.. i suddenly got for 2 days, it was about 1 week ago, 40-50 kbps without i have done anything, just the different was, that i had 10 uploads and 10 were waiting. normmaly 5 uploads and 10 waiting

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