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becca__ September 27th, 2005 09:48 AM

Can't delete file!! please help (still unsolved)
Hi i'm sure i have dowloaded a file that is corrupt.

I've tried deleting it but i keep getting an error that says 'can't delete this file is beig used by another application.'

I've tried everything, tried removing lime wire and it still says the same thing.

i would really love some help!!


fabion September 27th, 2005 07:37 PM

Now just what in the heck does this topic have to do with this particular forum. Especialially when you read the sticky about LimeWire Questions being posted here.

What operating system are you using? Reading minds over the internet is hard, and I failed that class.

If windowsXP restart your computer in safe mode. This is done by shuting down windows, and turning the machine off.

Turn the machine back on, as soon as it starts press the F8 key. Several times if you have to. This will bring up a menu that will ask you how you would like to start windows. Select start in safe mode.

Once started in safe mode. Use windows explorer to find the file you want to delete and delete it.

If it is a different operating Post back.

becca__ September 28th, 2005 08:03 AM

thank you so much fabion

ok i found it its mode sans echec

went into safe mode tried deleting file and it still says imposible to delete

please help


becca__ September 29th, 2005 07:29 AM

please help

ukbobboy01 September 29th, 2005 08:33 AM


You are not telling us the whole story, for example, what is this file, i.e. is it an exe, mpg, or something else.

Did you try to open this file, if so with what?

In other words, tells us what you've downloaded, what you did with it and what is it doing to your PC, e.g. is you HD disk light active when this file is prominent.

UK Bob

becca__ September 29th, 2005 08:51 AM

ok it was an avi file

i looked up a great website that deals with
how to delete files

it also mentions that it is a common problem with windows xp that sometimes it dopesn't want to delete files

then downloaded gipo@utilities

and that deleted the file

thanks for all your help

wrrplodder November 8th, 2005 04:36 AM

this is the exact same problem I've encountered.
I downloaded an AVI file I cannot delete. I've been on it for hours over a few days. It is really p***ing me off as my computer is normally very fast but now it practically ceases up and constantly says it running at 100% CPU capacity even though nothing is running. I presume this file is causing the pc to slow down as it must have a virus or worm on it.

I've deleted Limewire (I'm now extremely sceptical about it). I run on Windows XP. I went onto my support line who said Limewire was a dirty word. They told me to look on the faq on about how to delete it from the seeding. Though they wouldn't tell me how to do it (it was 15 mins before they were going home). They also said try deleting Limewire and then delete the file.

This is the news I've been waiting for. I am at work at the moment but will try both the links above as soon as get home and hopefully get rid of the damn file for good. Hopefully that will speed up the computer again.

Patches November 8th, 2005 07:17 AM

delete file Post your question there and I'm sure a professionel will help you. If you are using Windows XP, go to that forum. By the way, it's free. Succes Patches

wrrplodder November 8th, 2005 02:29 PM

Thanks guys
the link above worked- yipee;) so no file now. I've not been on it besides to check my emails so if it still runs slow I'll go onto the links you gave thanks very much.

Lord of the Rings November 8th, 2005 02:47 PM

I think I have a couple of other options hidden away somewhere. Just depends upon whether I'm allowed to lift the veil. np it's all c-thru

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