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  #1 (permalink)  
Old December 22nd, 2005
Join Date: December 22nd, 2005
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lyndaw is flying high
Unhappy Cd playback

I am burning CD's off Nero, and it is saying that it is successfully completed, although it will not play on another music device. ie. our stereo, or portable player. Although, we can play back the CD on WMP? Can anyone help me?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 22nd, 2005
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make sure you are creating an audio CD
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old December 22nd, 2005
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lyndaw is flying high

Originally posted by Peerless
make sure you are creating an audio CD
I am doing all the right things... I used to use Kaaza a few years ago, and haven't done any CD's since, so just signed up for Limewire, which is great, but only this one problem
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old December 22nd, 2005
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lyndaw is flying high

Originally posted by lyndaw
I am doing all the right things... I used to use Kaaza a few years ago, and haven't done any CD's since, so just signed up for Limewire, which is great, but only this one problem
Limewire I know is not my problem, I am wondering if it has to do with downloading M3P's, does it automatically change on the CD , like does Nero change it? Am I making any sense?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old December 23rd, 2005
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Nero Burning doesn't auto convert mp3 to standard audio/ cda, etc. Plenty of Freeware available to change format types.
Nero Express 6, & above, 'Music', will give you a few choices of format styles to choose from, it may helps.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old December 23rd, 2005
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lyndaw is flying high

Originally posted by agnew
Nero Burning doesn't auto convert mp3 to standard audio/ cda, etc. Plenty of Freeware available to change format types.
Nero Express 6, & above, 'Music', will give you a few choices of format styles to choose from, it may helps.
Would anyone know where I could find the freeware to download to help me? Thank you!!!!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old December 23rd, 2005
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whatnow is flying high
Unhappy audio or data disk? i'm confused.

Originally posted by Peerless
make sure you are creating an audio CD
Hi all. I've been sitting here for hours researching various forums trying to learn about burning music to a cd, as well as where to post this question/situation.

I love my wmp. I'm used to the layout. I can burn music through wmp, musicmatch jukebox, and i also have ahead nero, though have not used that in quite a while.

I dwnloaded music from LW, made music specific playlists in LW, then couldn't open or find them in the LW playlist. The titles were there when i pressed "open...", but nothing was in them. I added to the playlists a few times and probably renamed them. I did find the playlists days later in my limewire file, listed with the titles i had given the seperate playlists. (I did go to the shared folder by the way, but didn't find them there)

Anyway, when i thought i'd lost ALL MY HARD WORK, i decided to move them (or maybe i copied them - can't remember) to my wmp. I think i clicked "add to now playing list" or something like that and found they went into my media player library. Before doing this i don't think they'd play with media player, i guess because they have the jukebox icon. From there i burnt the playlist to a cd - don't know what kind other than to say i only had 78 min of room. I believe i just pressed the "burn" button.

The songs were all there, but when playing on my old stereo, there was much crackling going on. My son showed me how he burnt music using jukebox. His music sounded just fine on the old stereo, so i re-did mine his way. Again, the songs were all there, and i got excited when they sounded great, until about the middle of the cd, when the crackling came back, only worse than the first cd. I am only using R's, not RW's. Everything played clear when i used my cd walkman though, i'm glad for that.

Sorry, i'm rambling....THE REASON I POSTED HERE......When researching forums, it seems i got two different suggestions in terms of making or burning a music disk. One says do DATA ONLY, and you say to CREATE an AUDIO CD. I'm not computer savvy, not up with all the jargon either. What is the difference? Which one is the right one to get more than 78 min on one disk? I read somewhere that it's possible to get 12 hours on one disk? ANYONE KNOW HOW?

To whoever reads this, might i just say thanks for taking the time. It's hard when you don't know what you're doing, but it's great to know that someone out there cares.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old December 24th, 2005
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Nero is perfect to burn audio cd's from your Mp3's
And i Think WMP and Musicmatch can do it as well alltough I have no experience with those last two.

The key to avoid Clicks and pops is to not set your burning speed to max, but use a slower burning speed, halfway is usually fine.

You allso might want to read this burning info.

A normal 700 Mb blank CD.r can only hold 80 mins of audio CD music.
If you make a data CD with Mp3's on it (Mp3 disc in NERO), then you can have a lot more music on your CD becouse Mp3's are basicly compressed wav files.
Lets assume an average Mp3 file is about 4Mb and has 3 mins playing time, that works out you can put 700Mb : 4Mb = 175 Files on a CD.
175 X 3 minutes = 525 Min playing time = 8hours and 45min .
Offcourse this DATA CD is not playable on a regular CD player.
Attached Thumbnails
Cd playback-nero.jpg  
Het algemeen gnutella forum in Nederlands

Last edited by RaaF; December 24th, 2005 at 06:29 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old December 25th, 2005
Join Date: December 18th, 2005
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whatnow is flying high
Default Thanks RaaF

What version of Nero is that picture from that you added? I have Ahead Nero or Nero Express or Nero 5.5. It doesn't look like yours. Also, in terms of the burning speed, if I go to 'Ahead Nero', then 'Toolkit" is it CD speed or drive speed i need to "slow down"?

How do you guys insert those pictures into these forums? I'm sure you know which nero i'm talking about, but it would be nice to show you a pic.

So making an audio cd is your answer, thanks. I tried doing it from nero, but when i clicked "add", i couldn't locate my saved limewire playlists &/or they wouldn't open. What is the right way to do this so it works?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old December 26th, 2005
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My version of Nero is

But it seems your version can convert Mp3 to Audio CD as well.
First of all, you got to know where your MP3 files (songs) are stored.
Normally this would be under:
C:\Documents and Settings\"your account name"\Shared
If it is not there, you have specified an other directory during Limewire install, and you should know where to find it.
If you can't remember, use the Limewire Library's Explore button to find it on your hard drive.
Or use the Windows search and search for a file you know is in your shared folder.

I have taken some screenshots of Nero burning rom.

After startup of Nero:

1 Choose Audio CD
2 Click New
3 Go to your Limewire shared map
4 Drag the songs you want to burn to the screen on the
Left (5)
5 your CD compilation (pay atention to the time slider at the bottom of your screen)
6 Click BURN (the match)
>>The burn Compilation screen pops up<<
7 Adjust the write speed
8 Click BURN

Hope this helps.

Het algemeen gnutella forum in Nederlands

Last edited by RaaF; December 26th, 2005 at 08:43 AM.
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