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Tips & Tricks For help with file formats, viruses, security, etc. This section is not for questions about problems with Gnutella program clients, downloading, connecting, etc.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 10th, 2006
Join Date: February 2nd, 2006
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DropkickSidekick is flying high
Default Help with a virus I got from limewire.

Ok my computer started acting up after I got finished downloading a music video from limewire. I quickly deleted all limewires files just incase it might help. It made it worse. It is like I let it free.

I scanned my computer with the virus scan and I think I found what I am looking for. But it wont let me delete it.

It says something about a copywrite agreement?

I didn't agree to anything about limewire giving me a virus I wont be able to delete it.

HELP please!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 10th, 2006
Join Date: February 2nd, 2006
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Default Limewire has installed virus

Limewire installs spyware and viruses and stuff into your computer when you download it.

I downloaded it from I went to delete it. I deleted every file that limewire had exept my music. I guess it thought I couldn't have my music if I didn't have limewire. So all my music was gone. Then the virus formed after deleting all the files.
After deleting all the files it shatterd my mcaffe virus scan. litterly.
I had an up to date mcaffe virus scan. When I deleted it it tore it up and stompt it into the ground. (another words i couldn't use it any more)(mcaffe keept popping up every like a thousand times saying that there are some files missing) I had to download it agian.

Then I downloaded it agian and it said I have 3 infected files. Went to delete them. It said that there is a copy write law or agreement protecting the adware I found. (thats a virus that changed it's name so it would be detected as adware) Theres no way I can delete it.

When you download limewire it gives you a virus. Simple is that. (THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN PROVE DIFFRENT!!!) Delete or open the files that the virus that limewire installed it will then begian to forum. It will eat your RAM like a ******* peace of cake.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 10th, 2006
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You mean there is no way you can prove it. You said you were going to show proof before but I nor anyone else has seen it . You have no idea of what you are talking about. You downloaded a virus off of the Gnutella net and you are blaming LimeWire for what you did. There have been many others that have done the same as you and downloaded a virus from the net but they were smart enough to realize what they did and not blame LimeWire for there mistakes.

I and several others on this forum can tell you how to get rid of of the virus you downloaded from the net but with your attitude I doubt any body will. The link below is to your previous post where you and your friend were going to supply your so called proof.

When you get a little older and grow up come on back until then keep your thoughts to yourself because what you are posting is a Flat Out Lie
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Later Grandpa
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 10th, 2006
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Good Luck
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Later Grandpa
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 12th, 2006
Join Date: February 2nd, 2006
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Dude. How can you show proof if your computer crashes when the virus strikes?

No I didn't have a virus. I downloaded limewire. I only used limewire when I had it. I didn't ever go to any websites just limewire. Why is there a copyright thing on it?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 12th, 2006
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Can a mod please edit the subject or something?

LimeWire does not install any kind of malware. If you get malware, it was because you did it by your own actions. Dont blame limewire on your own stupidity.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 12th, 2006
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btw I didn't mean to post a new topic the link you posted above was a accedent topic. I thought I was replying.
But dude can you please be a bit more helpful my computer is acting like it's going some ****. When I scrool the mouse it keeps getting messed up and stuff. It is like it is freezing up but not really slow just moving at a increadble slow speed. But when I get the internet working fine it seems like it gets better.

could it just be that I hardly ever shutdown my computer?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old February 12th, 2006
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I'm sorry, but I have to tell you that Limewire doesn't have stupidity-protection

There are people/companys that continue to try and hurt the Gnutella-Network which Limewire and many other P2P-clients connect to. They come up with traps that "innocent" people like you tend to fall into. Instead of crying about Limewire installed a virus, you should rather search for threads that deal with your issue.

P.S. If you had asked nicely for help on how to get rid of this virus, instead of blowing up and only reading what you wanted to hear, a lot of people here would have pointed you in the right direction.

P.P.S. You are only digging a deaper hole by continuing this naive stupidity

P.P.S. If you write an apology for your stupid behavior, maybe, just maybe someone will feel sorry for you and help
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old February 12th, 2006
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Your computer has either a virus or is ****** up. Now, LW isn't the virus, so you either got it elsewhere or from an infected download. End of discussion. Use latest virus and spyware definitions and clean your computer.

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 12th, 2006
Join Date: February 2nd, 2006
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Why do you keep on with the calling people stupid(Do you know me?)

btw I got rid of the virus. All I had to do was shutdown the computer go to safemode scan it and I was able to delete it.
I have uptodate virus protection. (very expencive)

But the computer just seemed to get worse after a delete them. I think there is something hidden that mcaffe isn't picking up.
But I havent found protection better than what I have. For free atleast.
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