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  #21 (permalink)  
Old January 28th, 2008
Join Date: January 27th, 2008
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kenski is flying high
Default Making a DVD Video using Nero 7 Premium Edition


This is my first post. I have a hard time putting ends together on how to burn a series of video clips on a DVD using Nero 7 Premium Edition. Can I add a clip anytime? or should it be one time?

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old January 28th, 2008
Join Date: August 24th, 2007
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lengoldstein is flying high
Default Adding a clip to an already-burnt DVD

Can I add a clip anytime? or should it be one time? -- kenski

If you've saved the .nvc file, you can open it up again with NeroVision and add in the new clip where you want it to appear, but then you must transcode the whole .nvc file (i.e. make a new .nrg file) and burn a new DVD--you can't just add your clip onto the end of the DVD, as you can with a DVD made on a standalone DVD recorder. So it's a good idea to think out your desired video(s) in advance.

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old January 28th, 2008
Join Date: January 27th, 2008
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kenski is flying high

Dear lengoldstein,

Thanks for the info. My work will be in place with your valuable advice.

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  #24 (permalink)  
Old December 31st, 2008
Join Date: December 31st, 2008
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enigma257 is flying high

Thank you for your post I fear I'm doing something wrong ! I have DVD+R RW 4.7 GB . everytime I try to burn it says the file is to big .... can you clear things up for me
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old December 31st, 2008
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lengoldstein is flying high
Default .nrg file too big to burn?

Originally Posted by enigma257 View Post
Thank you for your post I fear I'm doing something wrong ! I have DVD+R RW 4.7 GB . everytime I try to burn it says the file is to big .... can you clear things up for me
Hard to tell without more information, but the simple answer is that you can't put 9 pounds of potatoes in a 5-pound bag. Are you trying to copy a commercial movie DVD? Many of them are dual-layer, and even if you get past the copy protection they won't fit on a standard DVD-5 (single layer disc). In that case, go down to step 3) below. OTOH if you're making a homebrew disk and your videos are still too big to burn, you can either

1) Eliminate one or more videos from the collection you're transcoding (if you're making a DVD with several videos/titles in it);

2) Transcode at a lower bitrate, which will squeeze more content onto a DVD but at the cost of lower video quality [click on "More" at bottom of the NeroVision "Content" screen, then Video Options, DVD-Video, Quality setting = Automatic (fit to disc) or try Super Long Play]; or

3) Burn to a dual-layer disc (DVD-9), with about double the capacity, if your burner can handle DLs [ask for DVD-9 in the drop-down menu, lower right corner of the NeroVision "Content" screen]. Warning--DVD-9s are trickier to burn and are more likely to end up as coasters. They also cost a dollar and a half each and up. I've found Verbatim DLs very reliable, and I've also had good luck with Memorex DLs, which many people despise, but which my Samsung SH-S222L burner handles with no problems. Circuit City sells 25 Memorex DLs for $30, and sometimes for $20. Verbatims go for maybe twice that.

4) Finally, you can try using DVDShrink to analyze and shrink down a commercial video to an .iso that fits onto a single-layer (DVD-5) disc, or, if you already have those too-big Nero .nrgs, use UltraISO to convert your dual-layer Nero .nrg file to a standard .iso file, and then use DVDShrink to convert that to a DVD-5 .iso file, which should fit on any blank DVD. Use Google to locate UltraISO and DVDShrink; the latter is especially tricky to find.

Good luck!
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old December 31st, 2008
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I'm goin to try to be as detailed as i can . I'm trying to use standard Video Clip type files about 700 MB . and burn it to a DVD ( 4.7 GB DVD +R RW) I can play in my DVD player or w.e . atm I'm DL'in the DVD Skrink to see if that works . and if all else fails I'll go buy larger DVD's . thank you for your advice btw
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old December 31st, 2008
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enigma257 is flying high

Originally Posted by lengoldstein View Post
Hard to tell without more information, but the simple answer is that you can't put 9 pounds of potatoes in a 5-pound bag. Are you trying to copy a commercial movie DVD? Many of them are dual-layer, and even if you get past the copy protection they won't fit on a standard DVD-5 (single layer disc). In that case, go down to step 3) below. OTOH if you're making a homebrew disk and your videos are still too big to burn, you can either

1) Eliminate one or more videos from the collection you're transcoding (if you're making a DVD with several videos/titles in it);

2) Transcode at a lower bitrate, which will squeeze more content onto a DVD but at the cost of lower video quality [click on "More" at bottom of the NeroVision "Content" screen, then Video Options, DVD-Video, Quality setting = Automatic (fit to disc) or try Super Long Play]; or

3) Burn to a dual-layer disc (DVD-9), with about double the capacity, if your burner can handle DLs [ask for DVD-9 in the drop-down menu, lower right corner of the NeroVision "Content" screen]. Warning--DVD-9s are trickier to burn and are more likely to end up as coasters. They also cost a dollar and a half each and up. I've found Verbatim DLs very reliable, and I've also had good luck with Memorex DLs, which many people despise, but which my Samsung SH-S222L burner handles with no problems. Circuit City sells 25 Memorex DLs for $30, and sometimes for $20. Verbatims go for maybe twice that.

4) Finally, you can try using DVDShrink to analyze and shrink down a commercial video to an .iso that fits onto a single-layer (DVD-5) disc, or, if you already have those too-big Nero .nrgs, use UltraISO to convert your dual-layer Nero .nrg file to a standard .iso file, and then use DVDShrink to convert that to a DVD-5 .iso file, which should fit on any blank DVD. Use Google to locate UltraISO and DVDShrink; the latter is especially tricky to find.

Good luck!
SOrry for being such a noob . I just tryin to Burn Movies From My PC to DVD . should Find a progrom to compress it to a smaller file ?
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old December 31st, 2008
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Keep in mind a 4.7 GB DVD-R holds about 4.36 - 4.37 GB of data, not 4.7. (similar to how a hard disk drive of 500 GB does not hold that amount in practice. It's due to different way of describing data capacities.)

As lengoldstein suggested, you can choose a lower transcode setting if you are getting a too large error message. Also, if any of the audio files are PCM, choose to remove them. There will no doubt be AC3/DTS/MPeg audio alternatives.

Depends on 'what' you are trying to burn.

I get the impression your transcode settings are too high. Either video or audio transcode settings & that is why you are getting such an error message.

For audio: Dolby AC3 192-256 should be fine for most videos. Music videos or hi-fi fx movies you may wish a higher audio bitrate. (Also depends on the audio quality trancode of the video you have ... no point choosing a 448 kbps setting if it was encoded at 256 (or less) or equivalent in the particular audio format it came in. )
For video (VBR/Variable Bit Rate): do not set the Maximum bitrate too high. 8.5 or below if your audio bitrate is 448 kbps or lower (7.5-8) or lower for safety). Average bitrate depends on length of video. Usually below 8, & for a 4.7 GB disk probably 5 or less for a 2 hr video. More like around 4-4.5 mbps.

If the file you have is a single video file & not a dvd TS folder, then ... One possibility is you convert the video to a lossless format that Nero recognises well. Then use that to burn with. (I made this suggestion because a few years ago I recall I had a similar issue with a particular video format with Nero ... Nero seemed to have problems knowing the final size of that video format. I think I just burnt anyway regardless of the error messages just like you received .. too long ago to remember lol)

Your problem might also be due to older version codecs that Nero uses that need updating (as my last paragraph suggested in part.) Check for updates.

If you have DVD-RW disks, then trial out on one of those first.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; December 31st, 2008 at 03:29 PM.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old December 31st, 2008
Join Date: August 24th, 2007
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lengoldstein is flying high

Originally Posted by enigma257 View Post
I'm trying to use standard Video Clip type files about 700 MB . and burn it to a DVD ( 4.7 GB DVD +R RW) ... thank you for your advice btw
You're very welcome. but let's try to make that advice work. I'm going to assume that when you say you're using a 700-MB video clip you mean a file that has an extension of .avi or .mpg. If your clip is of a different sort, there could be problems--let us know the clip's *exact* filename and size in MB. But just for example, let's say you're trying to transcode and burn to DVD a video file named "the_terminator.avi." Nero works faster with avis, but can handle mpgs too. ("Faster" is a relative term; it'll still probably take a few hours--estimate about twice the length of the film).

OK, so you start up NeroVision, click Make DVD...DVD-Video. This takes you to the Content page I mentioned in my last reply. Under "What would you like to do?" click Add Video Files..., and when the file selection window opens navigate to your hard-drive folder containing the_terminator.avi, select it, and click Open. At this point NeroVision should add that file to the DVD it's building, and the "thermometer" at the bottom should show a blue bar stretching out toward (but *not* beyond) the red hash mark at 4.38GB. If the size exceeds 4.38GB the oversize part of the line turns red and you're in trouble. But even then NeroVision will give you a message like

"Your project currently exceeds some size limits of the destination disc type.

Do you want to have the project quality reduced automatically so that your project will fit into the available space?"

Choose Yes, and if you *still* can't get it down under the 4.38GB limit then you go for the suggestions I gave earlier (DVD-9 etc.). But a 700MB avi file should fit easily. Sleepless has a good guide to the whole NeroVision DVD-making process right here on gnutella at <>.

BTW, LOTR gave an excellent reply to your question, full of good technical details, after I sent mine in, but with all due respect I have a feeling you should start at a somewhat more basic level...not that there's anything wrong with that.

Oh, and happy 2009 to all our readers!


Last edited by lengoldstein; January 12th, 2009 at 10:27 AM.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old December 31st, 2008
Join Date: December 31st, 2008
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enigma257 is flying high

Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings View Post
Keep in mind a 4.7 GB DVD-R holds about 4.36 - 4.37 GB of data, not 4.7. (similar to how a hard disk drive of 500 GB does not hold that amount in practice. It's due to different way of describing data capacities.)

As lengoldstein suggested, you can choose a lower transcode setting if you are getting a too large error message. Also, if any of the audio files are PCM, choose to remove them. There will no doubt be AC3/DTS/MPeg audio alternatives.

Depends on 'what' you are trying to burn.

I get the impression your transcode settings are too high. Either video or audio transcode settings & that is why you are getting such an error message.

For audio: Dolby AC3 192-256 should be fine for most videos. Music videos or hi-fi fx movies you may wish a higher audio bitrate. (Also depends on the audio quality trancode of the video you have ... no point choosing a 448 kbps setting if it was encoded at 256 (or less) or equivalent in the particular audio format it came in. )
For video (VBR/Variable Bit Rate): do not set the Maximum bitrate too high. 8.5 or below if your audio bitrate is 448 kbps or lower (7.5-8) or lower for safety). Average bitrate depends on length of video. Usually below 8, & for a 4.7 GB disk probably 5 or less for a 2 hr video. More like around 4-4.5 mbps.

If the file you have is a single video file & not a dvd TS folder, then ... One possibility is you convert the video to a lossless format that Nero recognises well. Then use that to burn with. (I made this suggestion because a few years ago I recall I had a similar issue with a particular video format with Nero ... Nero seemed to have problems knowing the final size of that video format. I think I just burnt anyway regardless of the error messages just like you received .. too long ago to remember lol)

Your problem might also be due to older version codecs that Nero uses that need updating (as my last paragraph suggested in part.) Check for updates.

If you have DVD-RW disks, then trial out on one of those first.
thank very much took me awhile but i think I got it .. like you said I lowered my bit rate from 5073 to 3000 and it is now allowing me to burn to DVD . Takes about 5 hours so I wont know how good it is til its done . but for those who will come after me and not know how to lower your bit rate

Once you've added your Video you want to burn : MORE > Video Options > Click the "DVD-video" Tab > Change "Quality Settings" to Custom : Which would allow you to change your bit rate to w.e will allow you to burn .

Final: lengoldstein & LOTR Thank you
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