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Dark Sunday January 17th, 2007 03:35 AM

Simple Advice Please: Wiping the hard drive 100% clean
Im selling the computer I have to a shop that buys them. Over the last 2 years I have downloaded hundreds of mp3s and some videos. Also I have had my diary on here in my word processor saved as documents and my own personal information ( household bills - phone numbers etc ) but here is my question I could really do with some advice on this one.

Q. I have deleted all of the above files and music videos personal documents and empted my recycle bin but will there be bits left over that can be viewed I am guessing there might be.? If so will doing a full product recovery remove everything from my hard drive ?

Q. would it be better to use a window washer.?
ID RATHER just do a full product recovery if that will do the trick! because I can just about do this

Thanks all. Try not to get too technical on me im no computer wizz I just want to know the best option to get everything off my hard drive before I sell this computer , thanks in advance. So should i wipe the whole computer with a washer or do a full recover by disc. ?? :bangh:

Lord of the Rings January 17th, 2007 07:38 AM

There's windows users out there much more expert than I am, but I believe IMHO, that if you erase the disks completely & yes, use other utilities to redo the job, then refill the drives to capacity or near capacity & that should overwrite anything that might be recoverable in a usable state. This is only my opinion. There's users out there, even experienced members of this forum who would have handy suggestions.

Dark Sunday January 17th, 2007 09:02 AM

Thinking about trying this
Well I have now deleted all my personal stuff and im going to try this out and run it what do other members think of this.

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