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Boris111 May 13th, 2007 10:42 AM

Pocket harddrive trouble
Hi i did not know which category this post would fall into but i figured what the heck. i have been using Limewire for about a year and as of this writing i'm the proud owner of over 323 files. Anyway getting to the point of my post I just recently got a 40 gb western digital pocket hardrive and I have been trying to transfer my playlist on to it but unfortunatley lime wire is being uncooperative and will not let me save the file onto my mpocket drive. do you guys have any suggestions your help will be greatly appericiated

tomololo June 8th, 2007 08:10 PM

hey dude, first of all im assuming you just want to store these files outside of your computers hard drive to free up space or whatever?. If thats the case, go to limewire options, then look around for the location of those files (where limewire saves them) for example i set mine as C:My Documents/Limewire.

then, obviously plug this pocket drive in, then go to my computer then open up the pocket drive (most likely to be removable disc (F:) )
then open up the destination folder for all your downloads in limewire, then simply drag and drop these files into your pocket drive and you're all set.
i hope this helps and that i grasped onto what you're trying to do. good luck

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