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leland4 December 8th, 2007 12:38 PM

Viewing movies
Hi all I am new at this I download movies and cannot view most of them. I am trying to view them with Windows Media Player, can anyone tell me what I need to view videos. thanks Lee

HalifaxGraham December 9th, 2007 08:58 AM

you need a codec lee type (codec) into google and download it, then you should be able to do so.:xeri_ok1ani:

leland4 December 9th, 2007 10:37 AM

Hi Halifax I typed in codec in google and it gave me 6,000,000 choices which one do I need thanks again for helping a newbie. Lee

Remoc December 9th, 2007 10:53 AM

Hey Lee, Try these.

Get one of these pacs also...
For XP this codec pac is very good
Download XP Codec Pack 2.0.8 - XP Codec Pack is one of the most complete codec pack
Or for Vista this pac
Vista Codec Package v4.4.7 Beta 4a (freeware)

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack :D

HalifaxGraham December 9th, 2007 11:42 AM

Hiya Lee sorry I have just looked at me emails now turned comp off for a bit.
yeah try those codec packs that me laddo's posted they are good choices.:super:

danilyu December 17th, 2007 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Remoc (Post 300666)
Hey Lee, Try these.

Get one of these pacs also...
For XP this codec pac is very good
Download XP Codec Pack 2.0.8 - XP Codec Pack is one of the most complete codec pack
Or for Vista this pac
Vista Codec Package v4.4.7 Beta 4a (freeware)

K-Lite Mega Codec Pack :D

I downloaded this program, but I'm not sure how to use it. Can anyone teach me?

peggylu December 24th, 2007 09:12 AM

hi I downloaded the codec program for Vista and i still cannot view movies can anyone tell me where i am going wrong

rbfalife December 25th, 2007 08:30 PM

Not exactly sure what you guys use to view videos but I use COWON America to watch movies and to convert music files. This program is probably best, because your movies will automatically load up on it, audio and video playing very well. Not very clear, but its better then wathing it off of youtube because graphics show up a bit better then youtubes.

kokyuryoku January 3rd, 2008 07:59 AM

Hey Lee,

I had similar problems until I downloaded this, try it.

VideoLAN - Free Software and Open Source video streaming solution for every OS!

Joe the Porsche January 13th, 2008 12:12 PM

Yea, you probably need the VLC media player, thats what I had to use. I couldn't watch avi movies on the windows media player, all that would come up was the audio. It'll play them on the VLC player though.

Xcom46 January 14th, 2008 07:28 PM

You need these for the window media player they work great.

Alhaxit January 17th, 2008 05:55 PM

yeah windows has known about the thing about the movies but wount fix it so as others have said get winamp or whatever, but codecs wont help.

Xcom46 January 17th, 2008 09:38 PM

These ones Really Do work. I use them my self.
That's way i say use them.MicroSoft might not fix the problem but who cares.There are Updates out there.Like these.:xeri_ok1ani:

Peerless January 18th, 2008 03:36 AM

Alhaxit has some obvious problems....sheesh..codecs won't work eh?...then why do I keep recommending the Klite codec pack???????...oh yeah, I forgot, I'm a total liar...yeah, that's it!

Xcom46 January 18th, 2008 09:09 AM

Thats Right peerless.
I guess im a total liar too.

:cheesy: Some people just crack me up.

Alhaxit January 18th, 2008 12:21 PM

wow got a couple of kids posting in here, grow up.

im sorry peerless i must have miss your post i guess i was to focused on xcom's overzealous marketing for his magic fix codec pack. ( plus i thought advertising was agenst the rules , like spamming as much as you can the you package can fix anything.)

Peerless January 19th, 2008 12:17 PM

its not advertising if one is linking to a free product....and rules are general things up to the Moderators (which I'm one of) to enforce (and or 'break')...

if you don't want a harsh response don't make such an idiotic remark like the codecs don't work (because they do)

Sleepless January 19th, 2008 01:31 PM

Just be careful that you don't install more then one codec pack, because that will not work. Just to confuse you a bit more. Combined Community Codec Pack

It's the bestest ever codec pack to ever grace the Earth used in conjunction with Media Player Classic (Incl. in Download) :lmao:

Alhaxit January 20th, 2008 09:51 AM

oh, so thats how you get away with bullshiting people . plus its not just one post its in his sig, therefor its in everyone of his posts.

Sleepless January 20th, 2008 10:30 AM

Well XP codec pack really isn't that bad. Only reason I switched is because it has terrible x264 support.

Seriously you should try the CCCP codec pack. Just install Media player Classic (MPC) with it, not Zoom player (also incl. in the download)

MPC is a very good standalone player, which is low on resources and has all the functions you would want in a player, and you aren't getting in WMP.

Only only conflict known is if you also use VobSUB to make DVD subtitles, in which case I wouldn't recommend it.

And I remind you and everyone reading this once again. DO NOT USE MORE THAN ONE CODEC PACK. It will in many cases cause heaps of trouble.

P.S. xCom isn't very old and is just trying to help

Xcom46 January 20th, 2008 04:43 PM

Y Thank you Sleepless.
I did not mean to be rude or any thing.
I tend to go over board some times.

Peerless January 20th, 2008 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Alhaxit (Post 305328)
oh, so thats how you get away with bullshiting people .

:wasntme:....uh know d00d, your 'tone' is getting a bit grating....:blink:

take the above as a warning shot across your bow...the precursor to giving you an official warning if you keep it up...which of course is a precursor to being banned :rolleyes_2:

Alhaxit January 20th, 2008 07:02 PM

so its the "tone" of this bs that is what get things done? so who do i direct to you downtalking posts for your punisment?

Remoc January 20th, 2008 07:16 PM

Al, If you like being here on the Forums, I will just give you a little advise.
DON'T FU*K with Peerless. He is a Super Mod. and won't put up with any SH*T. Keep it up and your Gone. Up to You d00d. I think you have been warned.

Sleepless January 21st, 2008 12:15 AM

lol you Americans are funny. How can you give a red card for an infraction? In every sport I know a red card would mean banned. You are supposed to give a yellow card.

Remoc January 21st, 2008 04:26 AM

Here in the good ol' USA, sometimes you're Guilty until proven Innocent. Automatic Red Card. LOL :cheesy:

There was plenty of evidence to warrent the Red Card. IMO

Lord of the Rings January 21st, 2008 10:31 PM

Last couple posts off topic a little lol ... but the person in question was warned via an infraction, which is a point warning system (yes similar to a yellow card) & is sent via PM. The person's response is what caused them to be temporarily punished. ;) (eg: like telling the referee/umpire what they thought about the yellow card, usually gets them into more trouble. It's times like that they need to keep a level head & just accept the warning. ;))

Pointman January 22nd, 2008 03:47 AM

AL: I haven't been on this forum for awhile,so straight away your post drew Me in. You see I was thinking I was going to see yet another Burnt-out Rouge-Mod stepping outta line,but after reading this thread from top to bottom I can't see how You could think anyone was outta line but you!
I mean here was a N00B asking how to accomplish video playback & the guys who answered him were 100% dead-on,not a single doubt about that.
Now I'll grant you that the codec packs mentioned aren't recommended by the power user's over at Afterdawn or Doom9 as to be the best to install on Windows since they have been known to cause problems with the OS & besides they're Bloat-ware.
But seeings how the poster is new to Compression/Decompression & playback of .avi files,any 1 of the codec packs mentioned would have suited his needs perfectly.

Codecs are used to compress videos for ease of storage & transport size. Once the file is relocated onto a medium like a dvd-5/9 or another hard drive it is then once again via Codecs decompressed for playback by the player(MPC or VLC). It's not the player that Compresses & Decompresses the avi but rather it's the Codec's job to do that for the player so that the player can then do it's job & play the file.
You don't have a clue as to what makes a video(avi.file) play or not! and how You could post on this forum & act like you do is beyond Me, I mean what were You thinking Dude? "A Codec will help it's what makes them play"
Your very first post in this thread was tainted with cynicism, Straight Up Dude You're Wrong On All Points!

All I install for "playback of My DVD's & almost all My video files" is ffdshow & MPC & then I if I need another codec then & only then do I install it.
Because as I understand it,for one to install all those codecs in one fell swoop is asking for trouble.
Anyway I don't know most of the mods here except the one's who've helped Me out aprox a year ago(you know who you are) but I can say he knew what I didn't & I'm sure all the Mods do or they wouldn't be :super:Mods!
Keep Up the Good Work Guys.

Sleepless January 22nd, 2008 04:02 AM

One thing you failed to mention is that VLC is the very definition of bloatware. All codecs in it are only for VLC and it won't let any other player use it.

Also I would love to see a single post anywhere, where someone says CCCP has caused problems not related to VobSUB or because this person has two or more Codec Packs installed. The very reason I try to mention that in every single post where I recommend any Codec Pack.

Apart from that, I agree with every single point made.

Pointman January 22nd, 2008 04:16 AM

Yeah Your rite & I did mentioned that Your insight was 100% dead on no doubt about that !
Here's a thread dealing with CCCP in that it has caused problems not related to VobSUB but then again these are what I would consider Power User'
CCCP ffdshow discussion - Doom9's Forum

Sgooglebabe January 22nd, 2008 11:24 AM

copying to dvd
I can watch the films on my computer but how do I copy them to dvd?:confused:

Sleepless January 22nd, 2008 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Pointman (Post 305672)
Yeah Your rite & I did mentioned that Your insight was 100% dead on no doubt about that !
Here's a thread dealing with CCCP in that it has caused problems not related to VobSUB but then again these are what I would consider Power User'
CCCP ffdshow discussion - Doom9's Forum

Outdated. Go look at the CCCP changelog. Last updated 2007-07-22


Switched to ffdshow-tryouts (finally). The version included is a custom build of revision 1355 plus some CCCP-specific patches

Sgooglebabe January 22nd, 2008 02:17 PM

if I could find that I wouldnt be asking but thanks for your helpfulness:super:

Sleepless January 22nd, 2008 05:20 PM

If you look a bit closer I wasn't replying to your question, which BTW has absolutely nothing to do with this topic.

And if you weren't on your second post here being rude about it, I probably would help with a link, but now I say SEARCH

And also you are in the Limewire section which has nothing to do with Burning to DVD

Sgooglebabe January 23rd, 2008 12:18 AM

once again if I could have found the "burning" post I would have asked in there, obviously this forum isnt the correct forum for me!
thanks for your help

Pointman January 23rd, 2008 01:35 AM

Converting AVI's for Game Console & SetTop DVD Playback
Sgooglebabe What You ask doesn't really have anything to do with pushing LimeWire to the limits & it's not an easy process to explain:
Atleast not without a detailed walk-through & then each person describing it would have what they would consider to be a better/easier method of operation. As a matter of fact theres probably thousands of forums dedicated to a whole gang of techniques for a Guy to choose from & to help you in that respect here are a few of which I'd consider to be among the best (Doom9/Afterdawn/CDFreaks). You know accomplishing what it is that you ask takes a Guy quite awhile to learn & even longer to master:Smilywais:
But there is a relatively new Free pkg FAVC - FAVC Homepage that comes w/a Front-end & a compilation of free tools,considered by many to be the best at what each does.
I'll do My best to describe it's process: Upon commencement of the batch file the free tools are launched in a sequence which automates the process of calculating bitrates & transcoding 1 or more avi.files as well as creating a customizable menu,resulting in a DVD structured Burn-Ready folder containing mutiple movies & a menu.
Which means,we no longer have to sit by & interact with our multi-avi compilations at each stage of input.
But more importantly for You Sgooglebabe it means that any novice including You can now roll with the big doggs & put 1 or more than 1 full feature movie(avi) & a menu onto a DVD-5 (DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW) without months or years of sorting thru & studying the various programs & their abilities/inabilities.
In short Sgooglebabe this is the program I recommend for You to try due to it's ease of use!! & abilities.
One note of caution:Just because Favc supports up to 8 avi files doesn't mean You'd want to put 8 full feature movies onto 1 DVD-5,as You'd be using a very high rate of compression & You'd achieve a poor playback quality full of anomalies,but You could put 8 episodes of your favorite sitcom onto 1 DVD-5 & probably be fine.
My rule of thumb (DVD-5 = 3x700Mb avi's) & (DVD-9 = 6x700Mb avi's)

Well Good luck & happy burning.:cool:

Remoc January 23rd, 2008 02:03 AM

Will this FAVC only convert AVI Files??

Pointman January 23rd, 2008 02:15 AM

You know as I recall the answer to that question is Yes but don't quote Me on it just yet & if You give me a moment I'll check on it for You ok?

Or You could just go directly to the developers support thread @ doom9 FAVC - v1.06 (Auto Menu Generation) (11/01/08) - Page 30 - Doom9's Forum and have a look

Pointman January 23rd, 2008 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by Sleepless (Post 305710)
Outdated. Go look at the CCCP changelog. Last updated 2007-07-22


Switched to ffdshow-tryouts (finally). The version included is a custom build of revision 1355 plus some CCCP-specific patches

Correct "Outdated" But keep in mind it was a quick response to Your dare.
It's My opinion that CCCP is considered to be a very good codec pkg by many Anime user's,just as Klite is revered by it's user's.
All I was saying is many files are installed with codec pkg's that are never used or for that matter even needed & each one (each one) is liable to cause a conflict with M$ OS.
Point in case: the link I dug up in like 2 min's.
Regardless of the fact that it's an old resolved issue does not absolve it from happening,as clearly it did happen.
So just like all the other codec pkg CCCP is known to have caused issues too.
Thank You for Your feed back Sleepless as it's always welcome & respected have a good evening

Remoc January 23rd, 2008 02:25 AM

I'll check it out when I get home tonight. Thanks
I use AVS Media which does a Great Job for me and is Not Free, but am always interested in seeing other programs that are out. I'm Not much of a Fan of Nero so I found AVS satisfies my needs.
Thanks, Pointman. Later on :D

Pointman January 23rd, 2008 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by Remoc (Post 305764)
Will this FAVC only convert AVI Files??

As I recall Favc will support AVI/ASF/AVS/MKV/MOV/MP4/OGM/VDR/WMV files,but if I do run into a file that Favc won't handle like for instance a MPG video, then I'll run it thru VDub & save it as an .avi file that Favc will work with I use VDub because it's really quick & clean.Hope that helps & excuse Me Mods for chatting Video in a Push Limewire to the limits thread.

Blackhorse 70V March 28th, 2008 05:36 PM

I use the the CODEC pack for Windows (got it from Run the software (should install itself) and then you can watch AVI files with Windows Media Player. I haven't needed any other player and have no trouble with AVI, Divx, AC3, etc.

And Bitzi (described in this Forum) helps me to avoid downloading bogus, mis-named, or scam files.

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