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sjpiv44 May 24th, 2008 05:58 PM

What is the best way to burn DVDs?
I have 2 4G+ image files that I would like to burn to media that I can view on my DVD system connected to my surround sound system. Do I burn on 2 4G medias of on an 8G media? Suggested format?


Peerless May 25th, 2008 07:58 AM

I've found that the amount of time spent on joining a file and then putting it on a dual layer DVD is not worth the effort...I just burn such files on 2 DVDs and take the 'inconvenience' of having to get up and change out discs as a nice time for a smoke break in the middle of the flick...

sjpiv44 May 26th, 2008 10:13 AM

Ok, when I start Nero essentials I can not see the files. They show up on my system as image files, which I can not view.

thanks, sjpiv44

Peerless May 26th, 2008 11:31 AM

yes they are image files...mount them in a virtual DVDrom (such as DaemonTools) and then do a disc to disc copy using Nero...honestly, I forget and am too lazy research it, but I think Nero has a virtual drive also that you can mount the images in and do the copying from...or somesuch

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