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User Experience Tell us what you like/dislike about XoloX. XoloX has been discontinued. We highly recommend you use an actively developed client instead.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old June 25th, 2002
Simon Magus
Posts: n/a
Angry r***d

Is there any particular reason why I am only able to D/L at an average of 3kbps when I am uploading to people with a total of what must be around 50kbps? I have High-speed (DSL) and I'm download at a more pathetic speed that when I had my crappy dial up 33.6. I feel like a *****.

Last edited by Iamnacho; June 25th, 2002 at 05:53 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old June 25th, 2002
Join Date: October 1st, 2001
Posts: 264
Iamnacho is flying high

yes there is a reason why you can only download slower than you upload. perhaps it is due to the fact that the other people that you are downloading from have a limited amount of bandwidth and they are sending to you as fast as they can.. or perhaps the connection between you and them is slower than the connection between you and the person (s) downloading from you. this is a very common thing in filesharing with people who have lots of bandwidth. but please be patient and share your bandwidth. only the users of the network can increase its speed.
thats all im off my soapbox now
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old June 25th, 2002
Join Date: June 25th, 2002
Posts: 1
Simon Magus is flying high
Thumbs down true, BUT

Well, that may be true, but I don't see why people can't upload at quick speeds if they are downloading quickly. High-speed users should not have to bear the brunt of dial-up losers. lol Anyway, I figure I'll give it about 3 more days to pick up before I abandon this system completely and go to the ftp ISO sites where I will get results. I have a download/upload cap coming into effect on the 28th, and I'm sure as hell not paying $8/gig so that I can do the "community" a favor when I'm just getting leeched off of for nothing in return. Thank you for the explanation, though.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old June 25th, 2002
Join Date: April 13th, 2002
Location: The Zoo
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KayaMan is flying high

You can lower your upload limit to say 24KB/sec then in tools > preferences > network tab if it bothers you that much.
I do find it hard to believe you are only getting 3KB/sec - try choosing the files with the higher score which represent the amount of people found in that search query with the exact same file.

p.s. thanks iamnacho for editing that and welcome aboard as mod to gforums. didn't know you were mod. good to know !
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old June 25th, 2002
Join Date: October 1st, 2001
Posts: 264
Iamnacho is flying high

Originally posted by KayaMan

p.s. thanks iamnacho for editing that and welcome aboard as mod to gforums. didn't know you were mod. good to know ! [/B]

No problem on the editing.

ps ive been a super mod for a while. i've just been hibernating... FEAR the NACHO he hath returned.. or something like that.. see ya round kayaman
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old June 25th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Unhappy I'm being raped too

For some reason, until version 1.2, I was unable to see at what rate others were downloading from me. Now I can, and I feel raped too. The files I want to download are always slow anymore.... I'm getting frustrated.

I don't want to limit my speed to 24 -- I want fast downloads too! Otherwise my only solution is to do what the other geeks do, and that is limit my files shared! I don't want to do that, but if I have to, I will.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old June 26th, 2002
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lazy dragon - retired mod
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Morgwen is flying high

Originally posted by KayaMan
p.s. thanks iamnacho for editing that and welcome aboard as mod to gforums. didn't know you were mod. good to know !
To avoid more surprises, here is a list:

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old July 5th, 2002
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Location: Columbus, OH
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riffrandall is flying high
Default Yeah what's up with our downloads?

...because they are slooow baby.

And frequently never finish. I don't care about those ****-ing scores. What's the bandwidth of the person I'm downloading from? One broadband connection in the hand beats 4 28.8 dialups in the bush.

Or something like that.

Are all Gnutella clients like this?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old July 6th, 2002
Posts: n/a

I had the same problem when I started using XoloX but when I changed the uploadspeed limit in the preferences to "Max" the downloadspeed suddenly increased.

BTW: low uploadspeed limits the downloadspeed too, strange but true. Stands next to the uploadspeed box.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old July 6th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Talking .mp3's are fine -- video DL stinks

Sad, but true...

If you are looking to download music, Xolox is great.

If you are hoping to download an MPEG -- Xolox is not so good. This may explain why you feel "raped". Are you downloading music or video? I used to have the same gripes about Xolox, until i realized this.

It comes down to how many users are sharing the file. Plain and simple. I have found that people just don't share the MPEGS they download, for various reasons.
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